Course Criteria
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1.00 Credits
Discusses pertinent topics within the reclamation field of disturbed lands. Prerequisite: REWM 4200 or concurrent registration.
4.00 Credits
Teaches essential and unique characteristics of the hydrologic cycle as it occurs on range and forest lands, concentrating on quantification of these processes and storages. Course consists of lectures and a computer lab. Cross listed with ENR 4285. Dual listed with REWM 5285. Prerequisite: MATH 1000, MATH 1450, or MATH 1405.
3.00 Credits
Identification of grasses and their place in range management and world agriculture. Prerequisite: REWM 2000 or concurrent registration. Dual listed with REWM 5300. Prerequisite: LIFE 2023 or REWM 2500.
4.00 Credits
Assessment, monitoring, and analysis of rangeland ecosystems and processes. Students integrate sampling design, measurements of vegetation attributes, indicators of rangeland health, ecological site information, riparian and wildlife habitat values, utilization, and statistical applications to evaluate rangeland resource integrity and sustainable use. Students collect, analyze, and report data using current technologies. REWM students will be given enrollment preference. Prerequisites: REWM 2400 and STAT 2050 or STAT 2070. Concurrent enrollment in REWM 2400 and STAT 2050 or STAT 2070 is allowed with permission.
2.00 Credits
Provides increased comprehension of current land reclamation problems and solutions by means of a field trip to sites in region where land reclamation is occurring. Prerequisite: REWM 4200.
2.00 Credits
Visits to range improvement projects and range research areas. Prerequisite: one full year of biology, preferably botany.
3.00 Credits
Course examines drivers and patterns of wildfire in rangeland and forested ecosystems, fire behavior, fuel characteristics, fire effects, suppression tactics and mitigation strategies, prescribed burning precautions and applications, applications/uses of fire to meet resource objectives, policies and regulations, and modeling software. Required field trips out of class time. Prerequisites: General Biology, Math 1400 - Algebra or above.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to hydrologic modeling that teaches the foundations of model development, calibration, and interpretation. Examines the different components of the water cycle and how they are being integrated into watershed models. Equips the students with the necessary skills to parameterize hydrologic models, understand the underlying principles, and interpret model outputs. Prerequisites: REWM 4285/5285.
1.00 Credits
Discusses pertinent range management problems. Prerequisite: REWM 2000 (C or better) or ENR 4000.
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Experimental work or intensive reading and discussion on range management problems. Includes problems offered in the following areas of range management: natural resources ecology, livestock habitat, business, improvements, watershed, reclamation, extension and international development. Prerequisite: basic training in field of problem selected and consent of instructor.
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