Course Criteria
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1.00 - 6.00 Credits
This course takes students away from campus to locations outside the United States to study religion on site in its geographic and cultural context. Destination and specific content varies, but the course always requires attention to the connections between world events and local experiences.
1.00 - 6.00 Credits
This course takes students away from campus to other locations in the United States to study religion on site in its geographic and cultural context. Destination and specific content varies, but the course always requires attention to the religious, racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity of religion in the United States. Prerequisites: Junior standing; WA/COM1.
1.00 Credits
Introduces range management profession and the department. Assists in outlining an academic and work experience program consistent with students' career objectives. Discusses employment opportunities in range management and related fields.
3.00 Credits
This course covers global water resources, fresh water demands, water quality issues, and water resources management on a watershed scale. Students become more knowledgeable about significance of availability and sustainability of water resources and water quality.
3.00 Credits
Basic principles of range management as they apply to various regions and vegetative types. Relationship of range management practices to livestock production, wildlife management, forestry, hydrology and other land uses. Introductory course for majors and non-majors. Prerequisite: LIFE 1000 or 1010.
3.00 Credits
Basic principles of range management as they apply to various regions and vegetative types. Relationship of range management practices to livestock production, wildlife management, forestry, hydrology and other land uses. Introductory course for majors and non-majors. Cross listed with ENR 2050. Prerquisites: LIFE 1001 or 1010.
4.00 Credits
Ecology of range ecosystems of western North America and identification of 200 most common plants species, including taxonomic keying. Prerequisites: REWM 2000 with grade of C or better.
2.00 Credits
Sight identification and distribution of western U.S. rangeland plants. Prerequisite: C or better in REWM 2000.
4.00 Credits
Integration of basic vascular plant anatomy, morphology, physiology within the contexts of modern evolutionary and ecological theory. Students receive in depth exposure to fluid flow, energetics, development, growth, general metabolism, and structure, and functions for plant cells, tissue and organs. Prerequisite: LIFE 2023 or LIFE 2022 or equivalent. (Normally offered spring semester).
4.00 Credits
Examines ecological processes and management of nutritional resources by domestic and wild rangeland herbivores. Topics include nutrient availability, nutritional demand, foraging behavior, diet composition, grazing systems, stocking rates, livestock/wildlife competition, predation, parasitism, plant toxicity, and influences on ecological condition. Students evaluate case studies and analyze nutritional data using current technologies.Prerequisites: Life 1010 of Life 1020
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