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3.00 Credits
Explores divine personality characteristics envisioned in Hinduism and Buddhism and the understandings of human nature, values, and beliefs. How should humans imitate the gods? Prerequisites: WB and CH or COM2 and one H course
3.00 Credits
Learn about religious pluralism in India. In particular, how globalization has impacted the ways people from many different religions, caste, class, and educational backgrounds, ethnicities, and regions experience and practice their religions in 21st century India. Prerequisites: RELI 1000 or RELI 2050.
3.00 Credits
Considers the religious history of the American west from Pre-Columbian times to the present, paying special attention to the ways the west affects religious belief and practice. Themes of contact and conflict will be particularly important in our study, as will the changing perceptions of the West. Prerequisites: WB or COM2.
3.00 Credits
Investigates different theories proposed to explain religion and methods used to investigate them. Pays primary attention to influential thinkers and theorists of the past century. Prerequisite: junior standing, RELI 1000, and 12 additional hours in Religious Studies, at least 6 of which must be at the 3000-level or above.
3.00 Credits
Movies use religion to convey messages; they debate religious issues and use religion to debate non-religious issues. Analyzes how film makers use religion and religious themes to transform religions into advocates for social issues and to shape religion's role in society. Popular films drawn from many genres. Prerequisites: 6 hours of 2000-level or higher literature courses or religion courses.
3.00 Credits
This mid-level writing-intensive seminar is a comparative study of African American religious celebration, primarily in the context of Afro-Christianity, but touching on Islam, Candomblé, "Voodoo," Santeria, and Rastafarianism. Cross listed with AAST 4100. Prerequisites: WB or COM2 and one of the following: AAST 1000 or any AAST 2000-level course or RELI 1000.
3.00 Credits
Religious dissent in the Middle Ages included what might be called heresy, but also encompasses such marginal groups as Jews and witches. Examines development of orthodoxy and persecution of religious diversity between eleventh and sixteenth centuries within the historical context of the times. Cross listed with HIST 4113. Prerequisite: HIST 1110, 4100 or 4110.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on how, from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, these three religions have interacted and influenced each other and Iberian culture in general. Readings from numerous figures, from Maimonides to Goytisolo. Prerequisites: junior/senior standing. No knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese is required.
3.00 Credits
Examines the biographies of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad found in works of history, in sacred literature, in hagiography, ritual and popular culture. Demonstrates strategies used to recover their historical personalities and how they are portrayed in multiple religious traditions, offering insights into how each have shaped our world. Prerequisites: RELI 1000 or Junior Level standing.
3.00 Credits
This course focuses on the religious and historical development of Judaism during the centuries between the end of the Old Testament and the New Testament, studying the arrival of Greek and then Roman culture and the changes Judaism underwent during that time that endure today. Prerequisites: COM2 or WB, and RELI 1000 or RELI 2110
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