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3.00 Credits
A broad, chronological survey of different types of non-belief, primarly from the Renaissance onwards. It examines critiques by philosophers, politicians, poets, and novelists aiming to understand their objections to religion and analyzing how these objections shaped the modern religious landscape and the way we understand religion itself. Prerequisite: none.
3.00 Credits
Surveys traditional African religions, both ancient and contemporary. Cross listed with AAST 2450. Prerequisite: none.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Permits occasional investigation of different subjects in academic study of religion.
3.00 Credits
Focus on film representations of Israel, the Arab world, Turkey and Iran. Studies religion and society, common human aspirations, modalities of social and other conflicts through screening of feature and short films and discusses issues raised by historical, political, social, cultural and religious tensions and considerations in this region.
3.00 Credits
An archaeological survey illuminating the historical, theological, and cultural landscape of ancient Near East and the Mediterranean world. Will examine how archaeology contributes to the understanding of the peoples, texts and religious movements of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.Prerequisites: RELI 1000 or RELI 2110 or RELI 2150 or ANTH 1300 or ANTH 1450.
3.00 Credits
In recent decades Christianity has undergone important changes with regard to the place of women in the church. Addresses historical and theological discussions that have accompanied those changes. Also addresses how feminism and religion affect one's belief system. Prerequisites: junior standing and at least one course in women's studies or religious studies.
3.00 Credits
Drama and religion seek to communicate ideas about the ultimate meaning of human life. Both influence and are influenced by the culture from which they developed. Examines plays that are influenced by the Bible, Greek plays whose concepts have influenced Christianity over the centuries and modern plays that address religious issues. Prerequisite: junior standing.
3.00 Credits
Explores the role of religion in the history of American culture. It considers how developments in American religious history have reflected larger trends in American society, and how those developments have in turn helped shape American society and culture. Prerequisites: one lower-level course in religious studies, American history, or American studies.
3.00 Credits
Surveys the Middle East from 1700 to the present. Emphasizes the demise of the Ottoman Empire, the rise of domination by European colonial powers, transformations in political, social, religious and cultural life, the rise of nationalist movements, the influence of oil, the growth of Islamist political groups and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Cross listed with HIST 3220. Prerequisites: 6 hours in history, international studies or religious studies.
3.00 Credits
The apocalyptic End of Time has become the subject of much speculation, especially since the beginning of the new millennium. Analyzes such speculation as a religious phenomenon in both ancient and modern religions, and attempts to understand its social, cultural and personal impacts. Prerequisites: junior standing.
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