Course Criteria

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  • 1.00 Credits

    Students review research on diagnostic interviews, practice basic interviewing skills and learn to administer the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID-I) using training tapes, class discussion and role-play exercises. As time permits, other interviews used to assess personality disorders and specific diagnostic categories will be reviewed. Prerequisite: admission to the doctoral program in clinical psychology.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Present the clinical psychologist in training with an introduction to the clinical application of neuropsychological principles and various tools. Includes the administration and interpretation of neuropsychological instruments and batteries, as well as the integration of more traditional assessment techniques with neuropsychological testing. Prerequisite: admission to the clinical doctoral psychology program, PSYC 5400, 5410, and 5120.
  • 3.00 Credits

    A seminar in behavior analysis and therapy designed to acquaint the student with literature on radical behaviorism and behavior analysis and to develop skills in the use of techniques based on learning principles. Prerequisite: admission to doctoral program in clinical psychology and consent of instructor.
  • 1.00 - 4.00 Credits

    Beginning clinical practicum course providing doctoral students in clinical psychology with supervised experience in individual psychotherapy. Psychodynamic, client-centered, and behavioral techniques are employed. Cases and theoretical issues discussed in weekly seminar. Individual supervision of students by clinical faculty. Prerequisite: admission to doctoral program in clinical psychology and consent of instructor.
  • 1.00 - 12.00 Credits

    Advanced clinical practicum course for students beyond their second year in the doctoral program in clinical psychology. Provides additional supervised experience in individual, family, child, and group therapy, as well as in psychological assessment. Experiences include case conceptualization, case management, and provision of direct services. Prerequisite: admission to doctoral program in clinical psychology, PSYC 5450, and consent of instructor.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Students become familiar with the efficacy and effectiveness of important state-of-the-art treatments with a focus on treatments of mood and anxiety disorders. Course goals include gaining a critical understanding of the issues involved in identifying psychological treatments that work. Prerequisite: PSYC 5380; PSYC 5510.
  • 2.00 Credits

    An advanced lecture and practicum designed to prepare the psychologist to function in the community in an effective way. Particularly, he/she is trained to work as one member of a team in mental health clinics and psychiatric hospitals. Normally taken during the third year of doctoral training in conjunction with PSYC 5610 Community Practicum. Prerequisite: admission to doctoral program in clinical psychology and consent of instructor.
  • 2.00 Credits

    A continuation of consideration of community mental health issues relevant to the practice of clinical psychology in a variety of community settings. To be taken in conjunction with PSYC 5620.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Research-based knowledge in developmental psychopathology via lectures, discussions, and student presentations. The course will cover disorders that usually begin in childhood and how these disorders manifest across the lifespan. The course will also cover disorders that begin later and how these disorders manifest in children and adolescents. Prerequisite: admission to the doctoral program in clinical psychology.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Research-based knowledge of both descriptive and explanatory adult psychopathology. In addition to learning how adult mental disorders present, students will acquire a framework for understanding the multiple variables that interact over the lifespan to influence adult psychopathology. Prerequisite: admission to the doctoral program in clinical psychology.
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