Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    Senior research project under faculty guidance and supervision. Faculty sponsorship must be obtained prior to registration. Prerequisites: Senior standing, PSYC majors only, 24 hours in Psychology, and consent of instructor.
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    Provides students with opportunities to experience applied aspects of psychology in external settings through volunteering, teaching, and related activities. Type and location of experience and requirements for earning credit and for grading are determined with a sponsoring faculty person in the psychology department. An acceptable paper based on work completed may also be required. No credit is available for field work prior to registration for this course. Prerequisite: consent of instructor required in advance.
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    Provides students with new opportunities to assist in aspects of conducting basic and applied psychological research with a sponsoring faculty person in the psychology department. Specific research activities and requirements for earning credit and for grading are determined with a sponsoring psychology faculty person. An acceptable paper based on work completed may also be required. No credit is available for research conducted prior to registration for this course. Prerequisite: consent of instructor required in advance.
  • 1.00 - 6.00 Credits

    Course consists of extended and in-depth discussions of particular topics in psychology. Topics vary semester to semester. Class format may include lecture, group discussion, and group activities. Reading assignments will draw heavily from scientific literature and may include journal articles, textbooks, or book chapters. Prerequisites: 9 hours in psychology.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Experience applied aspects of psychology in real world settings through volunteering. Recent research and other materials preparing students for their service will be discussed in class. After the volunteering experience, the students will prepare an academic paper integrating their practical experience with research and theory learned in class. Prerequisites: PSYC 1000 and consent of instructor required in advance.
  • 3.00 Credits

    General statistical analyses and their application to the biological and behavioral sciences. Analysis of variance, regression and correlation methods are studied from a data analytic perspective, emphasizing the conceptual understanding of where and when these techniques should be used and the interpretation of their results. Available computer programs will be utilized. Credit cannot be earned in more than one of the following courses: STAT 2020, 3050, 5050, 5060 5070. Identical to ZOO 5050. Prerequisite: one course in statistics (all introductory courses except 2000).
  • 3.00 Credits

    General statistical analyses and their application to psychology. Analysis of variance, regression and correlation methods are studied from a data analytic perspective, emphasizing the conceptual understanding of where and when these techniques should be used and the interpretation of their results. Available computer programs will be utilized. Credit cannot be earned in more that one of the following courses: STAT 2020, 3050, 5050, 5060, 5070, 5080. Prerequisite: 1 course in statistics (all introductory courses except 2000).
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    Supervised problem-solving practice in statistical analysis is provided with regard to topics corresponding to those covered in a concurrent statistical analysis course. Statistical analysis topics vary. Prerequisites: graduate standing and instructor consent.
  • 3.00 Credits

    A lecture and seminar course covering the relationship between biochemical systems and behavior. Emphasis is on behavioral changes resulting from modifications of body and brain chemistry. Prerequisite: 9 hours in psychology or related biological fields; MOLB 2300 or equivalent.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Advanced professional course for students interested in current trends and issues in early childhood development. Interdisciplinary in nature, drawing from research in communication disorders, kinesiology and health, elementary and early childhood education and special education, child and family studies, nursing, and psychology. Cross listed with EDEC, HLED, and SPPA 5115. Prerequisite: graduate status.
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