Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Analyzes the office of the president, its roles, development, relationships with other governmental agencies, and problems in the contemporary world. Dual listed with POLS 4430. Prerequisite: POLS 1000.
3.00 Credits
Examines the process of electing the U.S. president. Topics include the roles of presidential primaries, caucuses, and conventions; campaign strategies; media coverage; citizen participation; the electoral college; and reforms. Dual listed with POLS 4435. Prerequisite: POLS 1000.
3.00 Credits
Analyzes the principles, processes and politics of the budgetary process in the U.S. It examines the various theories of budgetary decision-making, the politics of budgeting and budgetary reforms. Prerequisite: POLS 5000 and graduate status.
3.00 Credits
This course examines illegal drug commodity chains and international efforts to police the drug trade in the Americas. It approaches the drug war through a "critical geopolitics" framework, also covering broader themes such as international politics, livelihoods, development, environmental justice, the global economy, race-based discrimination, public health, and resistance movements. Dual listed with POLS 4445. Cross listed with INST 5445. Prerequisite: graduate standing.
3.00 Credits
Significant points of contact between government and business are stressed. Government activities designed to regulate and aid such economic interests as business, labor, agriculture, and consumers are dealt with at length. Prerequisite: POLS 5000.
3.00 Credits
This course evaluates the geopolitical and socioeconomic issues surrounding the roots of energy insecurity and the global challenge to provide adequate, affordable, and accessible energy. Topics of study include the questions of energy nationalism, climate security, import dependence and transportation insecurities, the future of fossil fuels and alternative energies. Cross listed with POLS 4455. Dual listed with INST 5455. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. POLS 2310 strongly recommended.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on various facets of the relationship between American public administration and law. Emphasis is placed on the emerging body of administrative law as a context for jurisprudential reasoning in administrative decision making. Prerequisite: POLS 5000.
3.00 Credits
This foundational course is designed to give students of diverse backgrounds a common framework for understanding the nonprofit sector in the United States and globally. Students in this course will identify and interpret key theories, issues, and challenges in the nonprofit world and will consider the implications for practice. Dual listed with POLS 4465. Prerequisite: graduate standing.
3.00 Credits
Introduces the technology of electronic government by delving into the issues surrounding the usage of web-based service delivery systems and other technological innovations, including how public administrators can better use technological systems and communication with users and IT providers. Prerequisites: POLS 5000.
3.00 Credits
This course examines major trends in resource extraction, management, and conservation in Latin America, and the politics surrounding those trends, from theoretical, social, political, economic, and ecological perspectives and through a variety of grounded case studies. The theories and concepts we study are applicable to resource politics beyond Latin America. Dual listed with POLS 4475. Cross listed with INST 5475. Prerequisite: graduate standing.
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