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3.00 Credits
This course examines the philosophies that undergird the law, considering both ancient and modern legal thought. Throughout the course, both historical and contemporary examples will be used to illustrate the salient differences between philosophical approaches, to better articulate our understanding of the law. Dual listed with POLS 4160. Prerequisite: graduate standing.
3.00 - 6.00 Credits
This course takes a broad interdisciplinary approach to the study of human security within the field of international studies and global politics in order to explore the theories and processes that explain past and emerging patterns of behavior in the international system, as well as key aspects of local to global policymaking. Cross listed with INST 5210.
3.00 Credits
Examines the European Union's history, institutional structures, and policy areas and explores the positive and negative effects of European integration. Dual listed with POLS 4215; cross listed with INST 5215. Prerequisite: POLS 1200 or POLS 1250 or POLS 2310 or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Examines the European Union's history, institutional structures, and policy areas and explores the positive and negative effects of European integration. Dual listed with POLS 4220. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. POLS 2310 strongly recommended.
3.00 Credits
Studies political systems of East Asia. Analyzes impact of social and economic factors upon political institutions. Dual listed with POLS 4230. Prerequisite: POLS 1000. POLS 3100 recommended.
3.00 Credits
Discusses how culture, history, social systems, and political institutions of East Asian nations have contributed to their political economy of rapid industrialization and social transformation. Dual listed with POLS 4240. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor. POLS 2310 strongly recommended.
3.00 Credits
An analysis of the processes of political, economic, and social change in the non Western world. Research methods are introduced and applied to selected topics. Dual listed with POLS 4250. Prerequisite: POLS 1200, or POLS 1250, or POLS 2310, or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
An analysis of the processes of political, economic and social change in the non-Western world. Dual listed with POLS 4255. Cross listed with INST 5255. Prerequisites: 9 hours of political science or international studies including POLS 1200, or POLS 1250, or POLS 2310, or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Examines the theoretical/empirical research on causes of democratic transition and consolidation, including new waves of democratization and prospects for democratization in other contexts. Focus is given to a variety of theoretical/methodological perspectives such as the structural, strategic, social/cultural, institutional, and economic approaches. Dual listed with POLS 4260. Cross listed with INST 5260. Prerequisites: 9 hours of political science or international studies including POLS 1200, or POLS 1250, or POLS 2310, or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
A survey of the inter-American system and the idea of hemispheric unity, followed by an analysis of the major issues confronting the inter-American community. Dual listed with POLS 4290. Prerequisite: 9 hours of political science or international studies including POLS 1200, or POLS 1250, or POLS 2310, or permission of the instructor.
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