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3.00 Credits
An analysis of the processes of political, economic and social change in the non-Western world. Dual listed with POLS 5255. Cross listed with INST 4255. Prerequisites: 9 hours of political science or international studies including POLS 1200, or POLS 1250, or POLS 2310, or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Examines the theoretical/empirical research on causes of democratic transition and consolidation, including new waves of democratization and prospects for democratization in other contexts. Focus is given to a variety of theoretical/methodological perspectives such as the structural, strategic, social/cultural, institutional, and economic approaches. Dual listed with POLS 5260. Cross listed with INST 4260. Prerequisites: 9 hours of political science or international studies including POLS 1200, or POLS 1250, or POLS 2310, or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Surveys inter-American system and idea of hemispheric unity. Analyzes major issues confronting inter-American community. Dual listed with POLS 5290; cross listed with INST 4290. Prerequisite: 9 hours of political science or international studies including POLS 1200, or POLS 1250, or POLS 2310, or permission of the instructor.
3.00 Credits
Analyzes structure of political and economic interdependence among nation-states. Reviews and assesses theoretical approaches to explaining changing structure of inequality, power, war and peace. Dual listed with POLS 5300; cross listed with SOC/INST 4300. Prerequisite: SOC 1000 or ANTH 1100 or equivalent political science, international studies, or social science course.
3.00 Credits
Analyzes American foreign policy decision-making process and selected contemporary foreign policy problems. Stresses political and institutional factors, along with analysis of policy options. Dual listed with POLS 5330; cross listed with INST 4330. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. POLS 2310 strongly recommended.
3.00 Credits
Encompasses development of world organizations, such as League of Nations, United Nations and its affiliate bodies. Also studies regional organizations and private international bodies. Dual listed with POLS 5340; cross listed with INST 4340. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. POLS 2310 strongly recommended.
3.00 Credits
Consider in-depth meaning of "sustainable development" and trade-offs necessary to achieve it. Considers this issue from global perspective through application of theories in economics, political science, international relations, technology studies and ethics. Dual listed with POLS 5350. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor. POLS 2310 strongly recommended.
3.00 Credits
Why do nations go to war, engage in atrocities such as genocide, or move toward peace following conflict? Examines underlying processes behind both conflict and peace in the international system, including sources of conflict and ways conflicts might be moved toward sustainable peace. Dual listed with POLS 5360. Cross listed with INST 4360. Prerequisites: 9 hours of political science or international studies including POLS 2310.
3.00 Credits
Mechanisms provide accountability for gross human rights violations and acts of mass atrocity within nations. Case studies are used to examine types of transitional justice interventions; tensions between demands of justice at local, national, and international levels; and transitional justice's role in post-conflict peace-building and reconciliation. Dual listed with POLS 5375. Cross listed with INST 4375. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. POLS 2310 strongly recommended.
3.00 Credits
Drawing on key theory and contemporary real-world case studies this course explores how environmental change and the competition for scarce resources (such as food, water, oil, gems, and timber) have increasingly been linked to violent interstate and intrastate conflict and how such conflicts might be addressed, managed, or resolved through international and national action. Dual listed with POLS 5385; cross listed with INST 4385. Prerequisite: 9 hours of POLS or INST, including POLS/INST 2310.
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