Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Advanced study of plant diseases. Important diseases of field, forage and horticultural crops are studied. Includes history and current distribution of crops. Emphasis is placed on pathogen biology and development of integrated disease management. Current and classic research papers on plant disease control are discussed. Dual listed with PLNT 4000. Prerequisite: PLNT 3220.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on the sustainability of agroecosystems and the human communities that maintain them in the context of regional, national and global food and fiber requirements. Topics include: the scale of agriculture, low-input systems, current energy and transportation challenges, markets, and integrated crop and livestock production. Dual listed with PLNT 4020. Prerequisite: 8 hours of Life Sciences.
3.00 Credits
Introduces students to the science and applications of plant cell, tissue and organ culture, and regeneration. Topics include in vitro techniques used for developing new genotypes. Successful completion will enhance knowledge and understanding of plant tissue culture techniques and their applications in crop improvement. Dual listed with PLNT 4050. Prerequisites: LIFE 2023 or equivalent.
4.00 Credits
Management and physiological principles involved in control of economically important farm and range weeds. Dual listed with PLNT 4070. Prerequisite: AECL 1000, LIFE 1010.
3.00 Credits
Pesticide development and registration. Classification and structure of agricultural pesticides. Mode of action; biological and environmental factors that influence efficacy; environmental concerns and pesticide resistance. Cross listed with ENTO 5100. Prerequisite: graduate standing or 3 hours of biochemistry.
3.00 Credits
A complete review of the federal organic production guidelines, methods and applications for organic production facilities, alternative marketing principles, concepts of organic fertilizer use, organic pest control and concepts for using environmentally friendly methods to reduce chemical, petroleum and synthetic inputs for more sustainable crop and livestock agricultural systems. Dual listed with PLNT 4120.
4.00 Credits
Production methods for a wide range of herbaceous plants including bedding plants, perennials, vegetables, flowering potted plants, and foliage plants. Emphasis is placed on current production techniques in controlled environments and in the field. Dual listed with PLNT 4180. Prerequisite: PLNT 3300.
3.00 Credits
Includes the history and importance of HSMP, collection of medicinal plants in the wild, botany, chemistry, greenhouse and field production, organic production, harvesting, drying, and postharvest operations, legal aspects of HSMP and their products. Cross listed with PLNT 4190. Prerequisites: 8 hrs. LIFE and/or CHEM.
4.00 Credits
Emphasis on greenhouse structural and functional design concepts of economy, efficiency and energy conservation. Primary emphasis is on the limitations and advantages of greenhouses in the Rocky Mountain region, including alternative energy concepts. The management and operational concerns associated with private, commercial, educational and public greenhouses will be included. Dual listed with PLNT 4200.
4.00 Credits
Focuses on Agroecosystems and the ecology of weeds. Main objective is to understand how ecological processes determine agroecosystem function and weed invasions. Some of the processes to be covered include: competition, succession, disturbance, nutrient cycling, diversity and evolution. Prerequisites: basic ecology course, senior standing with permission of instructor.
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