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3.00 Credits
Emphasis on sexual and asexual propagation of various plants including herbaceous and woody crops. Seed propagation discussions include anatomy, physiology, dormancy, and enhancing seed viability and germination. Asexual propagation discussions center on anatomy and physiology of cuttings, adventitious root formation, budding, grafting, and tissue culture. Prerequisite: AECL or PLNT 2025.
3.00 Credits
Examines horticultural tree, shrub, vine, and ground cover varieties, cultivars and native species of horticultural use. It includes herbaceous, woody, deciduous, evergreen, annual, biennial and perennial species. Common and specific names as well as pertinent facts on each species are correlated to field identification. Prerequisite: AECL/PLNT 2025 or LIFE 2023.
3.00 Credits
Advanced study of plant diseases. Important diseases of field, forage and horticultural crops will be studied. Includes history and current distribution and uses of crops. Emphasis will be placed on pathogen biology and development of integrated disease management. Current and classic research papers on plant disease control will be discussed. Dual listed with PLNT 5000. Prerequisite: PLNT 3220.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on the sustainability of agroecosystems and the human communities that maintain them in the context of regional, national, and global food and fiber requirements. Topics include: the scale of agriculture, low-input systems, current energy and transportation challenges, markets, and integrated crop and livestock production. Dual listed with PLNT 5020. Prerequisites: 8 hours of LIFE courses.
3.00 Credits
Introduces students to the science and applications of plant cell, tissue and organ culture, and regeneration. Topics include in vitro techniques used for developing new genotypes. Successful completion will enhance knowledge and understanding of plant tissue culture techniques and their applications in crop improvement. Dual listed with PLNT 5050. Prerequisites: LIFE 2023 or equivalent.
4.00 Credits
Management and physiological principles involved in control of economically important farm and range weeds. Dual listed with PLNT 5070. Prerequisite: AECL 1000, LIFE 1010.
3.00 Credits
A complete review of the federal organic production guidelines, methods and applications for organic production facilities, alternative marketing principles, concepts of organic fertilizer use, organic pest control and concepts for using environmentally friendly methods to reduce chemical, petroleum and synthetic inputs for more sustainable crop and livestock agricultural systems. Cross listed with AECL 4120. Dual listed with PLNT 5120. Prerequisite: 8 hours of LIFE and/or CHEM. (Normally offered fall semester of odd-numbered years).
3.00 Credits
Turfgrass management practices from a plant biology perspective. Adaptability and maintenance of turfgrass species that are used in landscape and sports turf. Includes common, low maintenance, and intensively managed special sports turf species; sports turf construction techniques; establishment; fertility and integrated pest management. Prerequisite: AECL/PLNT 2025 or LIFE 2023.
4.00 Credits
Focuses on the biology and management of trees. The objective is to understand how biological processes determine tree growth, architecture, maintenance, and management in the landscape. The emphasis is on trees in urban settings, though much of the material is applicable to wildland tree management. Prerequisites: AECL 2025 and 2026 or concurrent enrollment.
4.00 Credits
Designed for the challenges and limitations of high altitude landscaping with an emphasis on water use efficiency. Primary course concepts include construction using hard materials, xeriscaping principles, decreased water consumption using specialized irrigation systems and selection of native, adapted species, as well as basic landscape design principles. Prerequisite: PLNT 3400.
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