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3.00 Credits
Studies fundamental concepts of quantum theory. Prerequisite: PHYS 4210.
3.00 Credits
Properties of semiconductor materials and devices. Including crystal lattices and energy bands, carrier generation, transport, and recombination. PN, metal-semiconductor, and heterojunction operation. Field Effect Transistors, including Metal Oxide Semicondutor (MOSFET), Junction (JFET), Metal Semiconductor (MESFET), and High Electron Mobility (HEMT) transistors. Bipolar Junction (BJT) and Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) operation. Cross listed with EE 4340. Prerequisites: PHYS 1220 or 1320.
3.00 Credits
Cover advanced topics in quantum mechanics, including angular momentum, quantum states in three dimension, hydrogen atomic structure, electron spin, Pauli matrices, time-dependent and independent perturbation methods, Born approximation, formal scattering theory, etc. Prerequisites: PHYS 4210, PHYS 4310, PHYS 4420 and MATH 4440.
3.00 Credits
First semester of a two-course sequence. Presents electricity and magnetism on intermediate level, emphasizing fields. Begins with review of vector algebra and calculus and proceeds to discussion of electrostatics, potential theory and steady currents. Prerequisites: PHYS 2310 or equivalent and MATH 2210.
3.00 Credits
Follows PHYS 4410 and continues intermediate discussion of electricity and magnetism. Covers magnetstatics, magnetoquasistatics, alternating currents, electromagnetic waves, transmission lines and antennae. Prerequisite: PHYS 4410.
3.00 Credits
Presents fundamental principles of thermodynamics, emphasizing mathematical development. Prerequisites: PHYS 4310.
3.00 Credits
Examines a number of concepts related to the scientific method. How science "works" is investigated within six topic areas: What is Science?, The Nature of the Scientific Method, Science Fact?, Science Fiction, Science of the Future and Case Studies of the Application of the Scientific Method. Prerequisites: Completion of at least one lower-division science course and successful completion of a USP WB or COM2 course.
3.00 Credits
Surveys theory and application of solid state physics using quantum theory. Emphasizes relation between theory and experiment. Discusses areas of present research activity. Prerequisites: PHYS 4310 and 4510.
3.00 Credits
This course aims to develop basic semiconductor physics concepts, so students can better understand current and future solid state electronic devices and technology. Prerequisite: PHYS 4210, PHYS 4310, PHYS 4420 and MATH 4440.
3.00 Credits
First semester of a two-semester sequence. Provides a comprehensive overview of mathematical physics and numerous analytical mathematical techniques applied to physics problems. Topics include: numerical computations and visualizations, differential and integral vector analysis, linear algebra, infinite series, complex variables, partial differential equations, ordinary differential equations, integral transforms and equations, and calculus of variations. Prerequisites: PHYS 2310 or PHYS 2320 and MATH 2210, MATH 2250, MATH 2310
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