Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Covers mathematical modeling: conservation laws and constitution relationships; partial differential equations (PDEs): the types and analytical solution techniques; applied linear algebra; matrices and Eigen-analysis; numerical solution techniques: finite difference and finite element methods, Newton-Raphson method, and temporal discretization techniques, and linear solution techniques: direct and iterative methods. Dual listed with PETE 5355. Prerequisites: MATH 2210, CHE/PETE 3025 or equivalent.
3.00 Credits
Theory and practice of advanced biological treatment processes for municipal and industrial wastewaters, sludges, groundwater bioremediation and solid waste. Emphasis is on fundamental principles applied to the design and control of existing processes and the development of innovative systems. Cross listed with CE/ENVE 5410. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions, conservation laws, stress and rate-of-stress tensors, Navier-Stokes equations, energy equations, vorticity and circulation inviscid and potential flows, laminar flows, turbulent flows, boundary-layer theory. Cross listed with ME 5440.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to inviscid and viscous hydrodynamic stability; closure in turbulent flows; vorticity and vortex dynamics; theoretical aerodynamics; numerical simulations of viscous flows; experimental methods in fluid flows. Prerequisite: ME 5440.
3.00 Credits
Consideration of diffusional phenomena and processes. Topics include flux laws, diffusion coefficient prediction, steady and unsteady state diffusion in non-flowing systems (with and without chemical reaction), convective diffusion, and diffusion-based separation processes.
3.00 Credits
A general approach to research data management for graduate students and researchers. Topics include: the case for data management, data management planning, meeting grant requirements, formatting and organizing, storing and transferring, legal and ethical issues, strategies for research teams, sharing data, and publishing, citing, and rights to research data. Cross listed with ES/GRAD/LBRY/PETE 5600.
3.00 Credits
Following introduction to coal structure, constituents and classification, fundamental principles of coal utilization technologies will be examined. The topics to be covered include behavior of coal stockpiles, drying, pyrolysis, combustion/gasification of coal. Reactor models for utilization of coal will be discussed with reference to current environmental issues and remediation. Prerequisite: graduate standing.
3.00 Credits
Covers particle classification, hydrodynamics, advanced modeling strategies, and technical applications of fluidization. Prerequisite: graduate level.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to techniques in the process of constructing mathematical models. Application of the techniques to areas such as petroleum reservoir simulation, chemical process industry operations and plant start-up. Prerequisite: CHE/PETE 5140 and graduate standing.
1.00 - 6.00 Credits
A special course designed to make possible the study and investigation of problems or phases of chemical engineering selected to fit the needs of the student. Prerequisite: graduate standing in engineering.
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