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3.00 Credits
Geographic Information System. (2-2). Credit 3. Design, planning and implementation of geographic information systems; computer hardware and software evaluation; practical experience in data entry analysis and update of spatial and characteristic data; linkages of GIS and artificial intelligence; use of maps and remotely sensed data as data inputs. Prerequisites: RENR 444 and GEOG 398 or approval of instructor. Cross-listed with FRSC 651.
3.00 Credits
Advanced Topics in Geographic Information Systems. (2-1). Credit 3. Advanced GIS topics with a focus on modeling actual GIS applications including relational and database theory, design and implementation and its connection to GIS; surface analysis with digital terrain models; and an introduction to spatial statistics. Prerequisite: BAEN 651.
3.00 Credits
Bioreactor Design. (3-0). Credit 3. Kinetics of enzyme reactions and cell growth applied to bioreactor design, media formulation, cell culture conditions, oxygen transfer and sterilization. Prerequisite: CHEN 651 or approval of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Experimental Methods in Biological and Agricultural Engineering. (3-0). Credit 3. Planning and carrying out empirical research with appropriate application of statistical methods for experimental design and analysis; experimental design, data analysis, hypothesis testing, and experimental errors. STAT 601 or STAT 651 and STAT 652 or equivalent with approval of the instructor.
3.00 Credits
Statistical Methods in Biological and Agricultural Engineering. (3-0). Credit 3. Statistical methods applied to problems in biological and agricultural engineering; parameter estimation; probability distribution fitting; time-series analysis; random variable generation; uncertainty analysis. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
3.00 Credits
Design of Biological Waste Treatment Systems. (3-0). Credit 3. Management and treatment of organic wastes, with emphasis on human, agricultural and food processing wastes; engineering design of biological waste treatment processes; regulatory aspects affecting management of organic waste. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
3.00 Credits
Entropy Theory and its Application in Water and Environmental Engineering. (3-0). Credit 3. Entropy theory, probability distributions, parameter estimation, hydrologic design, rainfall-runoff, infiltration and soil moisture, frequency analyses, sediment yield, velocity distributions, flow forecasting, hydraulic geometry, geomorphic structure, water distribution reliability and water availability assessment. Prerequisites: Graduate classification; knowledge of calculus and statistics at the undergraduate level and approval of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Water Quality Engineering. (3-0). Credit 3. Nonpoint source pollution processes including transport mechanisms and contaminant fate; design of best management practices for abating nonpoint source pollution. Prerequisites: AGEN 350 or equivalent; SCSC 301; ENGR 214; graduate classification.
3.00 Credits
Air Pollution Engineering. (3-0). Credit 3. Current topics in air pollution engineering including design and operation of air pollution abatement systems (cyclone, bag filters and scrubbers), emission factors, dispersion modeling, permitting, odor sensing and control, EPA/State Air Pollution Regulatory Agency (SAPRA), TSP, PM10, and PM2.5. Prerequisites: AGEN 477 or MEEN 477; MEEN 328 and 344; or approval of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Small Watershed Hydrology. (3-0). Credit 3. Hydrology of small agricultural watersheds; precipitation frequency analysis; infiltration; runoff; erosion theory; sediment transport theory; evapotranspiration, and use of hydrological models. Prerequisites: AGEN 350, SCSC 301 and MATH 308 or their equivalent; graduate classification.
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