Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Folklore and the Supernatural. (3-0). Credit 3. Introduction to the traditional expressions of the supernatural such as superstition, belief tale and divination classified as folklore genres and their relationships to the cultures in which they develop; theories drawn from anthropology, folklore and related social sciences. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification.
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Credit 3. Over view of ar chae ol ogy and pre his tory of Eu rope, Af rica and Asia from the evo lu tion of the homi nids to the de vel op ment of ag ri cul ture and the rise of civ i li za tion. Pre req ui site: Ju nior or se nior clas si fi ca tion or ap proval of in struc tor.
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Credit 3. Or i gins and spread of West ern civ i li za tion through the ma te rial re mains of Minoan, Mycenaen, Etrus can, and early Greek and Ro man cul tures. Pre req ui site: Ju nior or se nior clas si fi ca tion or ap proval of in struc tor.
3.00 Credits
Archaeology of Ancient Greece. (3-0). Credit 3. Archaeology of ancient Greece from the Stone Age until the ascent of Rome in the Hellenistic Period; remains of ancient Greek art (sculpture, mosaic, painting), architecture (temples, homes, civic structures), religion (figurines, votive offerings), and social history (coins, inscriptions). Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification. Cross-listed with CLAS 353.
3.00 Credits
Archaeology of Ancient Italy. (3-0). Credit 3. Archaeology of ancient Italy from the Stone Age until the collapse of the Roman Empire in the fourth century; remains of ancient Etruscan and Roman art (sculpture, mosaic, painting), architecture (temples, homes, civic structures), religion (figurines, votive offerings), and social history (coins, inscriptions). Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification. Cross-listed with CLAS 354.
3.00 Credits
Ice Age Humans in North America. (3-0). Credit 3. Archaeological, environmental and geological evidence related to the timing of human entry into the Americas and megafaunal extinctions at the end of thePleistocene. Prerequisite: ANTH 202 or equivalent.
3.00 Credits
Anthropology of Religion. (3-0). Credit 3. Anthropological approach to religion and to the relationship between religion, economics, politics and social structure with particular reference to non-Western, preindustrial societies. Cross-listed with RELS 403.
3.00 Credits
Women and Culture. (3-0). Credit 3. Examines women's lives in evolutionary and cross-cultural perspective; women's roles in subsistence, politics, religion and economics in traditional cultures; women's roles in international development; the cultural and social construction of women's biology cross-culturally including circumcision, menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood. Cross-listed with WGST 404.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the Primates. (3-0). Credit 3. Survey of nonhuman primates from ecological and evolutionary perspectives covering numerous topics including: taxonomy; primate evolution; behavioral observation; reproductive strategies; diet; and conservation. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification.
3.00 Credits
Science, Pseudoscience and Critical Thinking in Anthropology. (3-0). Credit 3. Close scrutiny of fantastic claims made across a broad spectrum of media regarding anthropology, biological anthropology and archaeology; distinction of science from pseudoscience; critical evaluation of scientific and pseudoscientific research; evaluation of media portrayal of science; development of critical thinking skills for skeptical investigation of extraordinary claims. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.
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