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1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Animal Science Industry Studies. Credit 1 to 3. Organized instruction based on well-planned visits to selected industry operations which produce, process or market animal and dairy products, or produce and market supplies and materials to support animal industries; acquaint students with such operations, to reinforce campus based instruction and to acquaint prospective employers with Texas A&M students. Field trips will normally be made during holidays or between sessions for which departmental fees may be assessed to cover costs. Prerequisites: Junior or senior classification; approval of instructor organizing study tour; 2.0 GPR in major and overall. Cross-listed with DASC 400.
2.00 Credits
Exploring Animal Industries. (2-0). Credit 2. Instruction for students nearing the end of their undergraduate studies; theoretical understanding of organizations and human resources available to students; awareness and understanding of the job application process, resume and cover letter writing; networking, professional and business attire; ethics related to job searches and retention. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification.
4.00 Credits
Beef Cattle Production and Management. (3-2). Credit 4. Basic principles and methods of application involved in breeding, feeding, management, marketing and disease control in cow-calf production. Prerequisites: ANSC 303, 305, 318; ANSC 433 or registration therein.
3.00 Credits
Management of Stocker and Feedlot Cattle. (2-2). Credit 3. Basic principles involved in feeding, management, marketing and disease control of stocker and feeder cattle from weaning through slaughter for economical production of beef. Prerequisites: ANSC 305, 406, 433.
2.00 Credits
Equine Nutrition and Health. (2-0). Credit 2. Designed to provide students with knowledge of nutrition and health in the horse; gastrointestinal anatomy, nutrient utilization, feeding management and nutritional requirements; metabolic diseases, infectious diseases, internal and external parasites, and herd health management. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification.
4.00 Credits
Swine Production and Management. (3-2). Credit 4. Basic principles and their practical application in efficient, economical pork production; all areas of production—breeding and selection, nutrition, housing and equipment, marketing, herd health and economic management. Prerequisites: ANSC 318 or registration therein for animal science majors; ANSC 320 or registration therein for non-animal science majors.
4.00 Credits
Sheep and Goat Production and Management. (3-2). Credit 4. Application of basic principles of genetics, physiology and nutrition to practical sheep and angora goat production systems; management, health care and marketing of animals and fiber. Prerequisites: ANSC 303 and 318 or approval of instructor.
4.00 Credits
Equine Production and Management. (3-2). Credit 4. Application of biological and biotechnological principles and concepts in areas including genetics, breeding, nutrition, reproduction, immunology, parasitology, anatomy and exercise physiology to efficient production of horses for market; management of equine enterprises. Prerequisites: ANSC 201, 305, 318, 433.
3.00 Credits
Stock Horse Advanced Training. (2-2). Credit 3. Theory and practice of applying scientific principles of psychology and behavior modification to advanced training of the stock horse; exercise conditioning and humane training methods to maximize learning effectiveness; current industry trends for preparing horses and showing in stock horse events. Prerequisites: ANSC 311 and previous riding experience.
3.00 Credits
Reproduction in Farm Animals. (2-2). Credit 3. Physiological principles of reproductive processes in cattle, sheep, swine and horses including sperm and ova production, estrus, fertilization, gestation and parturition; techniques of semen evaluation and storage, estrous synchronization, embryo transfer and pregnancy determination. Prerequisite: Junior classification.
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