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3.00 Credits
Theory and Practice of Agricultural Publishing. (3-0). Credit 3. Audience identification, publication content, management and design; analyze existing agricultural publications, identify audiences, advertising base and content; credit cannot be given for both AGCJ 305 and JOUR 321. Prerequisites: AGCJ 105; junior or senior classification.
3.00 Credits
Theory and Practice of Agricultural Public Relations. (3-0). Credit 3. Public relations between agricultural producers and their suppliers as a critical part of agricultural communication; public relations objectives, strategies, tactics, evaluation and execution theory and practice examined; credit cannot be given for both AGCJ 306 and JOUR 324. Prerequisites: AGCJ 105; junior or senior classification.
3.00 Credits
Electronic Media Production in Agricultural Communications. (2-2). Credit 3. Study of the principles, concepts, and practices of agricultural industry uses of electronic media production (radio, television and computer) for advertising, informational videos, computer-mediated instruction and distance education. Prerequisites: Computer usage course and AGCJ 105; junior or senior classification.
3.00 Credits
Agricultural Photography. (2-2). Credit 3. Develop knowledge of photography, editing software, and composition techniques used in the agricultural communications field; develop photography and photo editing skills to a satisfactory level as demonstrated by performance on assignments and exams. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification.
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Workshop in Agricultural Communications and Journalism. Credit 1 to 4. The study, understanding and solution of human-agricultural problems based on theory learned in the classroom, library, laboratory and fieldwork completed by individuals and teams. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification.
3.00 Credits
Communicating Agricultural Information to the Public. (2-2). Credit 3. Use of agricultural journalism principles and techniques to communicate scientific information related to agriculture, agribusiness, natural resources and life sciences to the general public; communication processes include audience identification, writing, editing and production of agricultural science-based manuscripts for popular and refereed publications. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification.
3.00 Credits
Agricultural Publications Production. (2-3). Credit 3. Study and practice of the principles and concepts of designing, writing, editing, producing and distributing the AgriLeader magazine and Web site; includes practical applications of writing feature articles, magazine and Web site design, advertising sales, layout and graphics. May be repeated one time for credit. Prerequisites: AGCJ 203; AGCJ 305 and approval of instructor; junior or senior classification.
3.00 Credits
Agricultural Public Relations Methods. (2-2). Credit 3. Agricultural public relations campaign analysis; public relations case studies and methods including writing public relations plans for agricultural entities, producing public relations components and evaluating public relations objectives, strategies and tactics. Prerequisites: AGCJ 306; junior or senior classification.
3.00 Credits
Web Authoring in Agricultural Communication. (2-2). Credit 3. Study and practice of basic Web site design theories, principles and writing for the Web; use of Web authoring software (not a programming class) to create online publications tailored for agricultural audiences; emphasizes informative content and functional design. Prerequisites: AGCJ 307; junior or senior classification.
1.00 Credits
Senior Seminar. (1-0). Credit 1. Seminar for students within 2 semesters or graduation; overview of agricultural communications, communication methods and careers in the profession; includes an introduction to professionals in agricultural communications and interview strategies. Prerequisites: Junior or senior classification.
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