Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Presidential Rhetoric. (3-0). Credit 3. Rhetorical discourse of American presidents, including principal genres of presidential communication, speechwriting and media strategies; case studies of presidential communication ranging from campaign oratory, to crisis rhetoric, and ceremonial addresses. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
3.00 Credits
History and Theory of Rhetoric to 1800. (3-0). Credit 3. Emphasis on interactions between rhetorical theory and practices; includes Sophists, Stoic logic and rhetoric, poetics and stylistics from Plato through Cicero, semiotics and hermeneutics in medieval rhetoric, Enlightenment rhetoric and moral philosophy, literary. Cross-listed with ENGL 654.
3.00 Credits
History and Theory of Rhetoric since 1800. (3-0). Credit 3. Major figures and movements in rhetorical theory; revisionist effect of psychology, linguistics, and romanticism upon classical rhetorics; associationist psychology; belles lettres movement, twentieth-century linguistic turn; current-traditional rhetoric and its successors; rhetorical critical theory. Cross-listed with ENGL 655.
3.00 Credits
Seminar in Communication and Culture. (3-0). Credit 3. Investigation of the ways that culture, religion, identity, gender, popular culture, community, history, and related ideas are shaped through communication in order to understand the development of social norms, political values, and the human experience. May be repeated for credit with different content up to a total of three times. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
3.00 Credits
Communication and Citizenship in the Public Sphere. (3-0). Credit 3. Theoretical examination of communication within democratic, republican, and liberal conceptions of citizenship: consideration of the ideal of the public sphere, and communication in global civil society; specific attention to the practices of American citizenship within the global civil society. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
3.00 Credits
Survey of Telecommunication and Media Studies. (3-0). Credit 3. Survey of research and theory in media studies and telecommunication, review of literature on mass communication, media, culture, and society, media audiences, texts, industries, and technologies; provides students an overview of the literature and theoretical orientation. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
3.00 Credits
Seminar in Telecommunication and Media Studies. (3-0). Credit 3. Intensive work on selected topics of research in telecommunication and media studies; may address work in the areas of audience studies, media effects, industries, policy, international issues, media and culture, media history, or theory; may be repeated for credit with different content up to a total of three times. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
3.00 Credits
Communication and Technology. (3-0). Credit 3. Examines the relationships between human communication and technology, investigating the social effects of communication technologies, the quality of messages, communicative practices, and rhetorical norms that typify effective communication in technological society. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
3.00 Credits
Survey of Health Communication. (3-0). Credit 3. Theories and research in health communication considering functions and outcomes of communication processes in various health contexts, ranging from interpersonal settings to public campaigns; emphasis on providing a framework for synthesizing and critically evaluating health communication research. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
3.00 Credits
Health Communication Seminar. (3-0). Credit 3. Investigation of a subject important to the understanding of health communication, such as persuasion and public health campaigns, physician-patient communication, or communication in health care organizations. May be repeated for credit with different content up to a total of three times. Prerequisites: Graduate classification and approval of instructor.
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