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3.00 Credits
Signaling in Behavior and Development. (3-0). Credit 3. Will focus on signaling pathways used in multicellular animals. In each lecture, major signaling pathways used in behavior, physiology, and development will be introduced at the molecular level, and then be discussed in the context of organismal biology. Prerequisite: Graduate classification. Cross-listed with NRSC 636.
3.00 Credits
Mechanisms of Transcription Initiation. (3-0). Credit 3. Molecular mechanisms of transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, with an emphasis on prokaryotic systems; scientific papers will provide the basis for class discussion. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
3.00 Credits
Microbial Physiology. (3-0). Credit 3. An area of microbial physiology will be explored at the molecular, cellular, and genetic levels through reading and discussion of classic and current research literature. The area of focus may change from semester to semester. May be taken three times for credit with approval of instructor. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
3.00 Credits
Fungal Genetics. (3-0). Credit 3. Development of classical and modern genetic approaches in Fungi; genetic approaches to understanding basic biological processes including gene regulation, cell-cell interactions and cellular organization. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
3.00 Credits
Principles of Neuroscience I. (3-0). Credit 3. This course presents a detailed introduction to the basic fundamentals of cellular and molecular neuroscience. Topics will include membrane potentials, action potential generation, and the mechanisms underlying synaptic transmission, as well as their molecular basis. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with NRSC 601.
3.00 Credits
Principles of Neuroscience II. (3-0). Credit 3. This course presents a fully integrated overview of nervous system organization and systems-level neurobiology. Broad topics to be covered include sensory systems and sensory systems function, motor systems and neuromuscular function, central pattern generation and locomotion, homeostatic regulation, motivation, emotions, learning and memory, and circadian rhythms. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with NRSC 602.
3.00 Credits
Comparative Neurobiology. (3-0). Credit 3. Cellular, molecular and systems neurobiology, together with neuroethology. A comparative approach to subject matter is stressed. Topics such as evolution of nervous systems and their diverse structure and complex functions are dealt with. Cross-listed with NRSC 634.
3.00 Credits
Plant Molecular Biology. (3-0). Credit 3. Molecular aspects of plant growth, development, reproduction and evolution, emphasizing the structure, function, regulation, interaction and manipulation of plant genes; practical applications of plant molecular biology. Prerequisite: GENE 431.
3.00 Credits
Plant Cell Biology. (3-0). Credit 3. Biogenesis, structure, function and interactions of plant cells during development, with emphasis on current literature and experimental approaches. Prerequisite: BIOL 413 or 613 or approval of instructor.
4.00 Credits
Field Systematic Botany. (2-6). Credit 4. Basic principles and concepts of seed plant systematics; procedures of identification, family recognition, terminology, nomenclature, herbarium techniques, systems of classification and the taxonomic literature. Prerequisite: BIOL 301 or equivalent or approval of instructor.
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