Course Criteria
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1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Research. Credit 1 to 4. Active research of basic nature under the supervision of a Department of Biology faculty member. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: Freshman or sophomore classification and approval of faculty member.
4.00 Credits
Taxonomy of Flowering Plants. (3-3). Credit 4. Use of keys and identification of flowering plants, family characteristics and relationships and other applied phases of plant science. Prerequisites: BIOL 101 or BIOL 111 and 112 or equivalent.
4.00 Credits
Chordate Anatomy. (3-3). Credit 4. Classification, phylogeny, comparative anatomy, and biology of chordates; diversity, protochordates, vertebrate skeletons, shark and cat anatomy studied in laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 112.
4.00 Credits
Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology I. (3-3). Credit 4. Integrated approach to cellular, neural, skeletal, muscular anatomy and physiology; includes some histology, histopathology, radiology and clinical correlations. Prerequisite: BIOL 111; BIOL 112 strongly recommended.
4.00 Credits
Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology II. (3-3). Credit 4. Continuation of BIOL 319. Integrated approach to endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive and developmental anatomy and physiology; includes some histology, histopathology, radiology and clinical correlations. Prerequisite: BIOL 319 or approval of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Plants and People. (2-3). Credit 3. Development and uses of principal economically important plants of the world; plants and plant parts used in production of important commodities; vascular plants. Prerequisite: BIOL 101 or BIOL 111 or 112 or approval of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Molecules and Life. (3-0). Credit 3. Survey of major biological concepts; readings, integrated lectures and discussions of selected topics such as evolution, developmental biology, recombinant DNA, sociobiology and human origins. Prerequisite: Junior classification.
4.00 Credits
Invertebrate Zoology. (3-3). Credit 4. Morphology, taxonomy, natual history and phylogeny of invertebrate animals, with emphasis on biodiversity; class includes both lecture and lab. Labs include study of preserved material and demonstration of living animals in aquaria and terraria. Prerequisite: BIOL 112 or approval of instructor.
4.00 Credits
Embryology. (3-3). Credit 4. Introduction to general and comparative embryology; molecular and cellular mechanisms of development; genetics and early development of selected invertebrates (C. elegans, Drosophila and sea urchin) and emphasis on vertebrates (frog, fish, chick and mouse). Prerequisite: BIOL 213 or GENE 302.
3.00 - 4.00 Credits
Credit 4. Ba sic mi cro bi ol ogy; com par a tive mor phol ogy, tax on omy, pathogenesis, ecol ogy, vari a tion and phys i ol ogy of mi cro or gan isms. Pre req ui sites: CHEM 227, 237; BIOL 111, 112; or ap proval of in struc - tor. Ju nior or se nior clas si fi ca tion.
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