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3.00 Credits
Credit 4. (TCCNS BIOL 1307 and TCCNS 1107) The sec ond half of an in tro duc tory two-se mes ter sur vey of con tem po rary bi ol ogy that cov ers evo lu tion, his tory of life, di ver sity and form and func tion of or gan isms. Pre req ui - site: BIOL 111, ex cept MARS, MARS-LO and OCRE ma jors.
3.00 Credits
Essentials in Biology. (3-0). Credit 3. One-semester survey of basic biological principles, including chemical basis of life, cell biology, bioenergetics, genetics, evolution, anatomy and physiology, reproduction and development, and interaction with the environment. Not suitable for students who plan to take additional courses in the Biology Department. BIOL 123 is the corresponding laboratory course.
1.00 Credits
Essentials in Biology Laboratory. (0-3). Credit 1. One-semester course for non-majors; covers the basic biological principles; includes cell biology, genetics, ecology and evolution, biodiversity and anatomy and physiology. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or concurrent registration in BIOL 113.
4.00 Credits
(BIOL 2421) Introductory Microbiology. (3-4). Credit 4. Basic microbiology of prokaryotes and eukaryotes; main topics include morphology, physiology, genetics, taxonomy, ecology, medically important species and immunology; mandatory laboratory designed to give hands-on experience and to reinforce basic principles. Prerequisites: CHEM 102 or 104; BIOL 111 or biology equivalent. May not be used for credit by biology, molecular and cell biology, microbiology, zoology, predentistry or premedicine majors.
3.00 Credits
Molecular Cell Biology. (3-0). Credit 3. Explores the molecular basis of cell structure, function and evolution; gene regulation, cell division cycle, cancer, immunity, differentiation, multicellularity and photosynthesis. Students may not take concurrently with, or after the completion of, BIOL 413. Prerequisites: BIOL 112; CHEM 227 or concurrent enrollment.
3.00 Credits
Genes, Ecology and Evolution. (3-0). Credit 3. A genetically-based introduction to the study of ecology and evolution; emphasis on the interactions of organisms with each other and with their environment. Prerequisite: BIOL 112.
4.00 Credits
Physical Anthropology. (3-3). Credit 4. Human biology to include examination of evolutionary processes acting on human populations; human genetics; non-human primate anatomy, classification and ecology of primates; the primate paleontological record, and human variation and adaptation. Prerequisites: BIOL 111; BIOL 107 or equivalent.
1.00 Credits
Seminar in Quantitative Biology. (1-0). Credit 1. Designed to familiarize students with connections to the biological and mathematical worlds; weekly presentations on recent advances in quantitative biology for assessment and discussions; restricted to freshmen and sophomores in biology, botany, microbiology, molecular and cell biology, zoology, math and applied mathematical sciences. Cross-listed with MATH 281.
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Directed Studies. Credit 1 to 4. Problems in various phases of plant, animal and microbial science. Prerequisites: Freshman or sophomore classification; approval of ranking professor in field chosen and Undergraduate Advising Office.
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Special Topics in... Credit 1 to 4. Selected topics in an identified area of biology. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.
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