Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Aerospace Propulsion. (3-0). Credit 3. Air breathing propulsion; design and analysis of inlets, compressors, combustors, turbines and nozzles; application to aeronautical and ground transportation. Prerequisite: AERO 351.
3.00 Credits
Chemical Rocket Propulsion. (3-0). Credit 3. Nozzles and heat transfer in rockets, liquid and solid propellant systems; combustion and combustion stability; flight performance including trajectories, multistaging and exchange rate curves; rocket testing. Prerequisite: AERO 351.
3.00 Credits
Aeroelasticity. (3-0). Credit 3. Classical analysis of fundamental aeroelastic phenomena with application to aerospace vehicles; flutter, divergence, control effectiveness. Prerequisites: AERO 303, 306, 310.
3.00 Credits
Dynamics of Aerospace Vehicles. (3-0). Credit 3. Aircraft static stability and control; longitudinal and lateral dynamic stability; general equations of motion; stability derivatives; response to control inputs. Prerequisites: AERO 301 and 310.
3.00 Credits
Active Controls for Aerospace Vehicles. (3-0). Credit 3. Introduction to the Theory of Automatic Control specifically applied to aerospace vehicles; techniques for analysis and synthesis of linear control systems, stability criteria, systems response and performance criteria; design studies of active controls to improve aerospace vehicle performance. Prerequisite: AERO 421.
3.00 Credits
Space Technology I. (3-0). Credit 3. Rocket fundamentals; trajectories including aerodynamics, gravity turn and trajectory optimization, orbital mechanics, orbit lifetimes, three-body problem, orbit perturbations. Prerequisite: AERO 421.
3.00 Credits
Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics and Control. (3-0). Credit 3. Introduces students to fundamental concepts of satellite attitude dynamics and control; includes derivations of environmental disturbances due to gravity gradient, aerodynamic, and solar radiation pressure; includes treatments of attitude control subsystems, such as thrusters, reaction wheels, CMGs, and magnetic torquers, and their designs. Prerequisites: AERO 421, 423, or approval of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Flight Test Engineering. (2-3). Credit 3. Application of performance and stability and control theory to flight test measurements; standard atmosphere and airspeed equations for pilot-static system calibrations; flight test methods for evaluating performance, stability and control, and stall-spin characteristics; laboratory practice in planning and conducting small flight test project. Prerequisite: AERO 421.
3.00 Credits
Space System Design. (3-0). Credit 3. Introduces prevailing practices and processes used in modern space system design; applies knowledge in component engineering disciplines to a design challenge of interest to NASA or DoD; utilizes instruction in systematic methods of design and on dynamics of teamwork; when possible concludes with detailed design using an engineering design facility. Prerequisites: AERO 306, 351, 421.
3.00 Credits
Electromagnetic Sensing for Space-Borne Imaging. (3-0). Credit 3. Study IR and Visible range imaging systems to obtain high resolution imaging of objects from space; this area has numerous applications and areas of advanced development; following instruction in needed background on optics, telescopes, and interferometry, perform preliminary design of imaging system with a different imaging design offered each year. Prerequisites: AERO 306, 351, 421.
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