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4.00 Credits
A discovery of France and its social and cultural institutions through a study of contemporary issues and of differences and similarities between American and French attitudes, policies, and tastes. Conducted in French. Prerequisite: French 303 or permission of instructor. (3/3/4) CUNNINGHAM, C. schmitz, D. WISEMAN
4.00 Credits
An exploration of French-speaking areas of the world beyond the metropole, in selected nations or regions of Europe (Belgium, Switzerland), Africa (the Maghreb, West Africa), and the Americas (the Caribbean, Quebec). Focus is on the social and cultural institutions of non-French francophones and their concerns as expressed in a foreign idiom. Conducted in French. Prerequisite: French 303 or permission of instructor. Successful completion of this course satisfies the Cultures and Peoples requirement for graduation. (3/3/4) staff
3.00 Credits
An introduction to French literature. The student learns reading techniques which illuminate the content of a text through an appreciation of style, syntax, and rhetorical device. Diverse literary genres are studied, including works of prose (fiction and nonfiction), poetry, and theater. At the same time, emphasis is placed on the historical, social, and cultural contexts of the chosen works. Conducted in French. Prerequisite: French 303 or permission of instructor. (3/0/3) CUNNINGHAM, c. schmitz, D. WISEMAN
3.00 Credits
Participation in foreign language drama productions. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (3/0/3) STAFF
3.00 Credits
Readings from selected texts that represent the evolution of the French novel. Attention is paid to technique and style, with emphasis also on the historical and social importance of each novel. The student also becomes familiar with a substantial corpus of critical literature. Conducted in French. Prerequisite: French 308 or permission of instructor. (3/0/3) CUNNINGHAM, c. schmitz, D. WISEMAN
3.00 Credits
Study of a variety of texts from representative poetic movements from the 17th century through the 20th century. Emphasis is placed on poetry as a social and historical document and close attention is also paid to the evolution of poetic structure and technique. Conducted in French. Prerequisite: French 308 or permission of instructor. (3/0/3) CUNNINGHAM, c. schmitz, D. WISEMAN
3.00 Credits
A careful reading of selected major essays, journalistic articles and reviews, biographies and autobiographies, and other non-fictional texts by writers in French. The course focuses on important themes and perspectives of influential French authors-contemporary and historical-as well as on the basic elements and strategies of their prose styles. Conducted in French. Prerequisite: French 308 or permission of instructor. (3/0/3) CUNNINGHAM, c. schmitz, D. WISEMAN
3.00 Credits
A careful reading of representative texts of the French theater designed to acquaint the student with the different genres of theater and to teach the student to read critically. Conducted in French. Prerequisite: French 308 or permission of instructor. (3/0/3) CUNNINGHAM, c. schmitz, D. WISEMAN
4.00 Credits
A study of French film as an art form. Using a representative sample of films as "texts,"the course considers narrative processes, representational modalities, and the language of film (cinematographic techniques and devices). Other topics of consideration may include the contrastive analysis of literary and cinematic fictions; the cinematic depiction of social and cultural realities (film as cultural mirror, film as propaganda); the historical development of a national film industry; and the director as auteur. Conducted in French. Prerequisite: French 308 or permission of instructor. (3/3/4) cunningham , c. schmitz, D. WISEMAN
3.00 Credits
To enrich and deepen the student's understanding of different methods of written expression in French, the course focuses on expansion of the student's active and passive vocabulary and on the student's appreciation of the linguistic nuances that distinguish French language from English language. Conducted in French and English. Prerequisite: French 303 or permission of instructor. (3/0/3) CUNNINGHAM, c. schmitz, D. WISEMAN
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