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3.00 Credits
Classifying differential equations, solutions and applications of certain first order differential equations and of higher order linear equations, Laplace transforms, and series solutions. Prerequisite: Mathematics 206 with a "C" or better. (Offered inFall of odd years.) Credit, 3 hours.
3.00 Credits
Systems of equations, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, linear independence, bases and dimension, linear transformations, inner products and norms, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and applications of these topics. Prerequisite: Mathematics 150 or 205 with a "C" or better. (Offered in Spring Semester.) Credit, 3 hours.
3.00 Credits
Insight into the historical development of major themes and into the lives of the people who envisioned and created the mathematics we know and use today. The mathematics of ancient cultures, medieval Europe and the Renaissance, and the era of Newton and Liebnitz will be covered to include the foundations of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, computations, trigonometry and calculus. Investigations into modern mathematics such as probability and statistics, analysis, modern algebra, number theory, modern geometries and topology will be undertaken. Substantial writing on mathematical topics is required of each student. Prerequisite: MA 205 with a grade of "C" or better. (Offered in Springof even years.) Credit, 3 hours.
3.00 Credits
This course provides instruction in basic facts on infimite series, Taylor polynomials and series, parametric equations, polar coordinates, vectors and geometry in space, and calculus on vector-valued functions. Prerequisite: MA 206 and MA 302, both with a "C" or better. (Offered in Fall Semester) Credit, 3 hours.
3.00 Credits
The course provides instruction in basic facts on differentiation and integration of functions of several variables, limits and continuity, partial derivatices, differentials, extrema of functions of two variables, iterated integrals, triple integrals, Jacobians, vector analysis, Green's Theorem and Stoke's Theorem. Prerequisite: MA 307, with a "C" or better. (Offered in Spring Semester). Credit: 3 hours.
3.00 Credits
The history of geometry, logic and the axiomatic foundations of Euclidean geometry, Hilbert's axioms, neutral and non-Euclidean geometries, and geometric transformations. Prerequisites: Mathematics 160 and 205. (Offered in Spring of odd years.) Credit, 3 hours.
3.00 Credits
Basic axioms and theorems, conditional probability and independence, permutations and combinations, random variables and distributions, expectation and variance. Prerequisite: Completion of Mathematics 200with a minimum grade of " C " and Mathematics 205 and 206. (Offered in Fall of even years.) (Formerly MA 315) Credit, 3 hours.
3.00 Credits
Logic and number theory, rings and ideals, integral domains, fields, and a brief introduction to group theory. Prerequisite: Mathematics 160 and 302 or 310. (Offered in Spring of even years.) Credit, 3 hours.
3.00 Credits
Techniques and current trends in mathematics education, the nature of mathematics and its role in society, and expository writing in mathematics. Intended for prospective secondary mathematics teachers. Prerequisite: One upper level mathematics course, passing Praxis I. (Offered as needed.) Credit, 3 hours.
3.00 Credits
Estimation and hypothesis testing, regression and correlation, analysis of variance, nonparametric methods. Prerequisite: Mathematics 200 and 317. (Offered in Spring of odd years.) Credit, 3 hours.