Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
A course that focuses on a specific aspect of film, designed to enhance students' continuing appreciation of film as an art form. Particular focuses may include, but are not limited to, genre theory, auteur theory, adaptation, great directors, specific schools of film and their relationship to other arts. (Offered alternate years beginning Spring 2004) Prerequisite: English 102 or 103H. Credit, 3 hours.
3.00 Credits
A study of the English and American poetry of the twentieth century, with emphasis upon noted poets and poetical movements. This course meets the General Education literature requirement. (Offered alternate years.) Prerequisite: Any 200-level English course. Credit, 3 hours.
3.00 Credits
A consideration, employing various approaches, of twentieth-century British, American and continental fiction from about 1900 to the present. (Offered as needed.) This course meets the General Education literature requirement. Prerequisite: Any 200-level English course. Credit, 3 hours.
3.00 Credits
The purpose of this course is to help prospective teachers develop a knowledge base from which they can confidently teach the language arts in grades nine through twelve. Students are required to observe and assist English teachers in public school classrooms. (Offered as needed.) Passing Praxis I. Credit, 3 hours.
3.00 Credits
This 60-day course of study in the public schools allows English education students to combine theory and practice in the classroom under the guidance of the classroom teacher. The student teaching experience will be evaluated by the NCATE program standards as ouotlined by the National Council of the Teachers of English and by the South Carolina state teaching guidelines outlined by the ADEPT process. Prerequisite: Passing Praxis II. Generally, this course is taken only after all other course work is completed. Exceptions to this rule may be made by the Teacher Education Committee. Grading is on a Pass/Fail basis. Credit, 12 hours.
3.00 Credits
The student is placed in a local private or public enterprise to gain work-related experience consistent with his/her field of study. The student will have a faculty sponsor as well as a supervisor at the enterprise to direct and supervise the student's activities. A student is expected to complete 125 hours of work. Internships require senior status and a minimum 2.5 grade point average. Credit, 3 hours.
3.00 Credits
A coordinated study which serves as the culmination of an English major's undergraduate study. There are two options: literary criticism or creative writing. For either option, the student will demonstrate wide reading, critical thinking, knowledge and application of research techniques, and skill in writing. For the critical option, the student produces a final critical paper/project on a literary subject chosen in consultation with a faculty supervisor. For the creative writing option, the student produces a critical preface and a portfolio of original work in consultation with a faculty supervisor. Prerequisites: Senior status and permission of the instructor. Credit, 3 hours.
3.00 Credits
This course will provide a systematic review of the basic structures of French. Class instruction will center on communicative activities such as conversation and writing, with an emphasis on culture. Prerequisite: 2 semesters of college French or 2 or more years of high school French or permission of the instructor. Credit, 3 hours.
3.00 Credits
Continuation of FR 201. This course is designed to further develop conversational competence and knowledge of francophone culture using current-day francophone media, short literary readings and in-class conversation. Prerequisite: FR 201 or permission of the instructor. Credit, 3 hours.
3.00 Credits
This course will examine the biological, psychological, sociological, and cultural dimensions of aging. It will also attempt to identify factors which contribute to successful aging. (Same as Social Work 207.) Credit, 3 hours.
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