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3.00 Credits
Students learn how to make professional sales call and develop effective sales strategies to enhance agricultural sales. Topics include identifying the sales audience, developing an effective sales strategy, and studying various approaches utilized to close sales. The economic, legal and ethical considerations of an effective sales strategy are examined. Preq: Junior standing and one of the following with a grade of C or higher: AGRB 2020 or ECON 2000 or ECON 2110.
3.00 Credits
Principles of financing government, sources of public revenue, objects of public expenditures, problems of fiscal administration, and the application of fiscal policies in stabilizing the national economy. Preq: Junior standing.
3.00 Credits
Principles and problems involved in the use of soil, water, forest, and mineral resources, with special emphasis on economic aspects of alternative methods of resource utilization. Preq: Sophomore standing and AGRB 2020 with a grade of C or higher or ECON 2000 with a grade of C or higher or ECON 2110 with a grade of C or higher.
3.00 Credits
Introductory course in which students learn the basic economics of the institutions comprising the health-care industry. Topics include the underlying supply, demand, and institutional factors impacting health-care availability and cost of health care. May also be offered as HLTH 3610.
3.00 Credits
Application of production economic principles and modern decision-making techniques to the agricultural firm. The quantitative use of profit, productions and cost functions to analyze the input and output decisions of the agricultural firm seeking to maximize firm profit in constrained and unconstrained settings. Preq: AGRB 2080.
3.00 Credits
Regression analysis, linear programming, and risk efficiency analysis techniques are presented and applied to agribusiness firms to improve firm economic efficiency. Microcomputer optimization and statistical software packages are utilized to develop firm level strategic plans to achieve efficient agribusiness outcomes in no risk and risky economic environments. Preq: AGRB 2080 with a grade of C or higher.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the economic theory, organization, and operating principles of agricultural commodity futures markets in the United States. Emphasizes speculating, hedging, and investing in agricultural commodity futures contracts from the standpoint of the agribusiness entrepreneur. Preq: AGRB 3090.
3.00 Credits
Techniques for analysis of the growth and decline of regions, including economic-base theory, shift share, regional input-output, regional econometric models, and fixed impact models. Preq: AGRB 2020; or both ECON 2110 and ECON 2120.
3.00 Credits
Development of rural economic activity in the context of historical, theoretical, and policy aspects of friction associated with spatial separation. Considers location factors, transfer costs, location patterns, and regional-growth policy. Preq: AGRB 2020 or ECON 2110.
3.00 Credits
Topics include highest and best use analysis, data collection, and analyses. Stresses advanced appraisal procedures for income, cost, and comparable sales approach to real estate valuation. Covers eminent domain, the appraisal of property in transition, and specialized property. Preq: AGRB 3130 or FIN 3070.
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