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3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Social Science Core) This course is an introduction to the study of politics and the discipline of political science. It will include basic concepts used in the discipline as well as provide an introduction to major ideologies.The pedagogy of the course will stress the development of learning-related skills such as writing, oral presentation, use of scholarly sources, and discipline-related computer technology.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Social Science Core) A survey of analytic approaches and methods used in empirical political science, with substantive illustrations and applications.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Social Science Core) An analysis of American political institutions, politics, and political behavior.The interrelated nature of public opinion, pressure groups, political parties, the decisionmaking structures, and public policy are surveyed.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits An examination of some of the basic concepts and problems in political theory, such as justice, power, virtue, equality, freedom, obligation, identity and difference, resistance, and the nature of the self and its relation to the political.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Social Science Core) An introduction to several techniques and approaches used in cross-national comparative analysis. Fulfills the Comparative Government and Politics requirement.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits A study of the basic factors in international relations of the Western and non-Western state systems, the distribution of power, the balance of power, of nationalism, and the adjustment of inter-state conflict through law, diplomacy, and war. Fulfills the International Relations requirement.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits An introduction to the structure, operation, and politics of American public administration.The course focuses on the federal bureaucracy with comparisons to state and local administration, where appropriate. Special attention is given to administrative theories, problems in intergovernmental relations, organizational reform, and the budgetary process. Fulfills the American Politics requirement. Prerequisite: PSC 201.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits Advanced survey of contemporary political ecology. Subjects include ecological crises and global political responses; the history of the environmental movement; the dynamics of public and private interest in environmental policy making; the emergence of Green parties in Europe, the United States, Oceania, Africa, Asia, and Latin America; and the diversity of underlying philosophies that guide environmental politics.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits This course deals with the American legal system from a behavioral perspective. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of the behavior of the major actors in the legal system: attorneys, judges, police, and press. Some attention will be given to schools of jurisprudence and criminal justice policy. Fulfills the American Politics requirement.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits A survey of city politics in the United States from a variety of theoretical perspectives, using analytical concepts such as social class, pluralism, political economy, and urban regimes. Includes urban elections and party machines, metropolitan development and suburbanization, and racial and ethnic political mobilization. Fulfills the American Politics requirement. Same as BLS 303.
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