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3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Philosophy Core) A critical analysis of the two classical theories of human nature (Plato's and Aristotle's) as the basis of the Medievalviews of Augustine and Aquinas. Contemporary theories of human nature are then critically analyzed from this perspective.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Philosophy Core) A study of Greek philosophy, from its beginnings through late forms that survived into the Christian era. Emphasis is placed on analysis and critical understanding of key philosophical problems which developed within Greek culture, and which are of permanent relevance.The foremost of these problems, and the focal motif of the course, is the question of what constitutes a genuinely good life for a human being.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Philosophy Core) This course provides a critical examination of perennial philosophical issues, such as the existence of God, the process of human knowledge, the relation of intellect to the will, the source of values and meaning in creation, etc., by drawing from philosophers of the Medieval period. Sources include, but are not limited to, Augustine, Anselm, Averroes, Aquinas, Duns Scotus, and Ockham.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Ethics Core) This course is a study of the philosophical foundations for an ethics of public service.The course will include the study of ethical principles as a foundation for moral life and moral decision-making; a study of moral leadership as a means for transforming society; and a reflection on the common good and the call to service. Course may include a practical experiential component.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Ethics Core) The application of ethical principles to the areas of social work, business, law,medicine, and other fields of endeavor.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Ethics Core) The focus is threefold: First, introduce students to the principles that are relevant for resolving moral problems and assist them in developing the reasoning and analytical skills needed to apply those principles. Second, expose students to the important moral issues that arise in various business contexts.Third, provide students with firsthand experience of morality in business situations through case studies and/or seminars with business leaders.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Ethics Core) An analysis of the ethical issues related to contemporary biomedical advances and health care delivery. Among the topics considered are: abortion, euthanasia, health care rationing, patients' rights, and dilemmas of health care professionals.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Philosophy Core) A study of the development and fundamentals of contemporary symbolic logic.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Philosophy Core) A historical and critical examination of the core institutions of our society-those within which all of us, including people in business and the professions, will act-and of the ideas that have shaped and continue to inform them. Examine such ideologies as liberalism, conser- vatism, communitarianism, feminism, and multiculturalism. Includes consideration both of the classics of Catholic political thought and of contemporary teachings by the pope and the Catholic bishops.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Philosophy Core) An analysis of the world religions and a metaphysical, psychological, and epistemological study of the religious phenomena.
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