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3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Mathematics Core) This course is required for all mathematics, EPS, and chemistry majors, and is recommended for biochemistry majors. A continuation of MTH 132.The main topic is multivariable calculus. Prerequisite: MTH 132.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits This course is designed to aid the student in the transition from calculus to the study of advanced courses in mathematics.Topics in logic, set theory, relations, functions, cardinality, and algebra will be discussed. Emphasis will be placed on the rigorous deductive process pervasive in the study of mathematics. Prerequisite: Calculus or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits An introduction to aspects of logic appropriate to both the mathematics and computer science student.Topics in propositional and predicate logic, formal theories, computability, and metamathematics will be discussed. Prerequisite: Calculus or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits Theory of linear differential equations and methods of solution, including series and transforms. Prerequisite: MTH 223.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits An introduction into the basic techniques of combinatorial mathematics including fundamental enumeration principles and algebraic counting techniques.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits This course aims to familiarize the student with the principles of deductive reasoning through geometry.Topics include a review of the basic concepts encountered in Euclidean geometry and an historical development of non-Euclidean geometry.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits Topics include: basic properties of groups, Cayley tables, finite and infinite groups, abelian and non-abelian groups, subgroups, cyclic groups, symmetric and dihedral groups, matrix groups, group isomorphisms, group homomorphisms, Lagrange's theorem, normal subgroups and factor groups, the First IsomorphismTheorem, direct products. Prerequisites: MTH 215 and 301.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits Topics include: properties of rings, integral domains, rings with non-zero characteristic, ring homeomorphisms, polynomial rings, ideals, principal ideal domains, prime and maximal ideals, factor rings, factoring polynomials, unique factorization domains, Euclidean domains, introduction to field extensions and finite fields. Prerequisite: MTH 315.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits An investigation into the basic properties of the integers. Topics include sums of squares, divisibility, the Chinese remainder theorem, and quadratic reciprocity law.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits Axioms for the real numbers, topology of the real numbers, Heine-Borel theorem, Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, continuous and uniformly continuous functions, extreme and intermediate value theorems, differentiable functions, mean value theorem,Taylor's theorem. Prerequisite: MTH 110, MTH 132, or MTH 223 and MTH 301.