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3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Theology Core II) A special treatment of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke-their distinctive literary structures and theologies, and detailed exegesis of selected passages. Prerequisite: Completion of THL Core I requirement.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Theology Core II) A study of the literary and theological characteristics of the writings of John, the relation of the Gospel to the Synoptic tradition, and the book of Apocalypse. Prerequisite: Completion of THL Core I requirement.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Theology Core II) A detailed study of the principal letters of Paul with special emphasis on his teaching about law and grace, justification, the resurrection of Jesus, the Body of Christ, the Church, and the cosmic Christ. Prerequisite: Completion of THL Core I requirement.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Theology Core II) A study of the development of Christian faith in the centuries between the death of the apostles and the death of Augustine.Topics include the Trinitarian and Christological controversies, the Donatist and the Pelagian teaching, and the Christian response to the challenges of each. Prerequisite: Completion of THL Core I requirement.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Theology Core II) A historical and doctrinal consideration of the sources, development, and contemporary belief of Protestantism. Topics include Luther and Calvin and the Reformation, the Council of Trent, the English tradition, the Free Churches, Puritanism, the Pietist Movement, Methodism, and the American religious experience. Students who earn credit in HIS 324 may not enroll in this course. Prerequisite: Completion of THL Core I requirement.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Theology Core II) An historical and thematic approach to the phenomenon of religion in the United States-the historical development of the four great religious families: Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, and Jewish; tensions between these families; the ecumenicalmovement; and the growth of "civil religion" andits dogmas, liturgy, andmorals.Also explores selected themes in the sociology of religion in the United States. Prerequisite: Completion of THL Core I requirement.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Theology Core II) A review of several theological themes raised in theology today with diverse responses given to these by Christian theologians both Catholic and Protestant, e.g., God, Christ, Church, faith, discipleship, and salvation. Prerequisite: Completion of THL Core I requirement.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Theology Core II) A study of the chief themes of Messianic expectation and their fulfillment in Christ, the development of biblical revelation of Jesus in the Gospels, St. Paul and St. John, and a study of the central doctrines of salvation in biblical and systematic theology. Prerequisite: Completion of THL Core I requirement.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Theology Core II) A study of the human person in the light of revelation; the creation accounts and their doctrinal content; the nature and powers of humans; sin and its effects; freedom, harmony of revealed, and philosophical views of persons. Prerequisite: Completion of THL Core I requirement.
3.00 Credits
1 semester, 3 credits ( Theology Core II) The nature of the Catholic Church as a community of believers in Christ, its structure and sacramental character, and its mission to sanctify the world, witness to the dignity of the human person, and engage in ecumenical and interreligious dialog.The principle texts will be Lumen Gentium and Gaudium et Spes. Prerequisite: Completion of THL Core I requirement.
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