Course Criteria
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8.00 Credits
Prerequisite: 3183. Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic wave equations, propagation of electromagnetic waves, reflection and refraction, radiation. (Sp)
0.00 Credits
Prerequisite: 3803 or permission of instructor. Quantum mechanics of three-dimensional systems. Angular momentum. Approximation methods: perturbation theory, variational methods. Time-dependent perturbations: transition rates, selection rules. Interaction of radiation with matter. Applications. Quantum mechanics of atoms and molecules. (F)
1.00 Credits
Prerequisite: graduate standing. Orthogonal transformations and tensor analysis; partial differential equations and special functions: spherical harmonics, Bessel functions, SHO and hydrogen atom wave functions; theory of complex variables; integral definition of special functions. (F)
5.00 Credits
Prerequisite: 3053 or equivalent. Hamilton's principle, Lagrange's equations, mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, Hamilton's equations, canonical transformations, Poisson brackets. (F)
6.00 Credits
Prerequisite: 4153 or equivalent. Ensembles and thermodynamics, fluctuations, monatomic crystals, ideal gases, phase equilibrium, chemical equilibrium in ideal gas mixtures, ideal gas in an electric field, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics, blackbody radiation, electrons in metals. (Sp)
1.00 Credits
Prerequisite: 4803; graduate standing. Basic nuclear structure, nuclear models, radioactivity, nuclear reactions. Particle interactions and families, quark model, weak decays of quarks and leptons. No student may earn credit for both 4213 and 5213. (F)
2.00 Credits
Prerequisite: junior standing. Geometric optics, physical optics, nonlinear optics, optical devices, interference, coherence theory, absorption and emission of light by matter and quantum optics. No student may earn credit for both 4223 and 5223. (Irreg.)
4.00 Credits
Prerequisite: 4803; graduate standing. Crystal structure, electrons in simple metals, electron band theory, semiconductors, superconductivity, phonons. No student may earn credit for both 4243 and 5243. (Sp)
9.00 Credits
Prerequisite: 4803 or equivalent. Topics in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics including the Heisenberg and Schroedinger pictures, Dirac formalism, angular momentum, bound states of spherically symmetric potentials, time independent perturbation theory; potential scattering. (Sp)
0.00 Credits
Prerequisite: 5393. Time-dependent perturbation theory, electromagnetic interactions, spin and angular momentum coupling, symmetry and statistics, density matrix, multiparticle systems. (F)
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