Course Criteria
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2.00 Credits
Consists of Basic Camp at Fort Knox, KY for six weeks. Combines content of 1112, 1212, 1223, 2223, 2313, and 2413. Laboratory (Su)
0.00 Credits
1 to 3 hours. May be repeated; maximum credit three hours. Exposure to the tenets of military history study. Students will attend four class meetings to grasp the fundamental precepts and will prepare a paper on each book assigned. Field trip to one of the nearby battlefields will be included. (F, Sp)
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: advanced standing in military science. Application of basic principles including marginal information; map symbols; military grid reference systems, map orientation; resection and intersection; use of compass; aerial photograph familiarization mission, organization and composition of basic military teams, principles of offensive and defensive combat stressing firepower, movement and communication, introduction to troop leading procedures. Laboratory (Sp)
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: advanced standing in military science. Theory, methods and principles for understanding leadership and behavior in groups; effects of attraction; effectiveness, orientation, ability and persuasiveness, transfer and development of leadership potential, control and coerciveness, status and esteem. Analysis of the leader's role in directing and coordinating the efforts of individuals and small units in the execution of offensive and defensive tactical missions, to include communication systems, internal defense/development and the military team; intelligence gathering, and the role of the various branches of the Army. Laboratory (F)
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: 3213. Consists of Advanced Camp at Fort Lewis, WA for five weeks. Students are evaluated on their knowledge and implementation of Army leadership principles and skills, Army field craft, and garrison operations. Practical, hands-on application of material taught in 3113 and 3213. Laboratory (Su)
0.00 Credits
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: 2610 or permission of department chair. May be repeated; maximum credit three hours. Students will examine the personalities of selected military leaders through several sources. The studies will encompass the early career and continue to the culmination. Field trip to one of the nearby battlefields will be included. (F, Sp)
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: 3113 and 3213. Develops knowledge, understanding and skills in the role of the United States Army, the Army Reserve, the National Guard, the organization, management and ethics of the U.S. Army Officer Corps, the functions and relationships of a commander and his staff and the preparation of administrative correspondence. Laboratory (F)
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: advanced standing in military science. Analysis of selected leadership and management problems involved in staff organization and function, and military justice. Application of leadership principles, stressing responsibilities of the leader, and affording experience through practical exercises. Obligations and responsibilities of an officer on active duty; chain of command; and officer-enlisted relationships. Laboratory (Sp)
2.00 Credits
Prerequisite: 4212. Deals with the analysis and case studies of the great military leaders-primarily of the modern era, such as Frederick the Great, Napoleon, Ulysses S. Grant, etc. who have exercised outstanding leadership in combat. Focuses on leadership and application of the principles of war at the strategic, operational and tactical levels. Laboratory (Sp)
0.00 Credits
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: junior standing and permission of department. May be repeated with change of content; maximum credit nine hours. Students will learn various theories of leadership and organizational culture and gain practical experience in the application of those theories within a peer leadership setting. Additionally, the course may include elements of military history, social theory, ethics, and military law. (Irreg.)
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