Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Preparation for graduate art exhibition: Poster design, portfolio and resume development, marketing strategies, art preparation, installation of art in the Eleanor Hays Art Gallery.
3.00 Credits
The large-scale structure of the Universe and our place in it. The origin, evolution and general properties of planets, stars and galaxies are presented. (Meets general education Physical Science requirement.)
3.00 Credits
Primarily web-based content. Study of planets, stars, galaxies, and nebulae through observation, image acquisition, and data processing using the NOC telescopes and instruments. Images of objects of interest are obtained utilizing telescopes at the NOC Observatory and with remotely-operated telescopes. Collaborative projects conducted with students in other colleges and universities and mentoring K-12 students may be required. Students may not receive credit for both ASTR 1514 and 1503.
3.00 Credits
Origin and evolution of the solar system. Origin and characteristics of terrestrial planetary atmospheres. Characteristics of gas giant planets and ice moons, asteroids and comets. Discoveries and characteristics of extra-solar planetary systems. Aspects of colonization. Recommended preparation: ESCI 1214 or GEOL 1114
3.00 Credits
Topics include various strategies involved in the search for extraterrestrial life, the origin and evolution of planets and processes necessary for life to develop on planets. Also presented are strategies for interplanetary and interstellar travel and the exploration and colonization of space.
3.00 Credits
Techniques of using telescopes and astronomical instruments, astronomical data collection and processing. Concepts of optics, CCD imaging systems and procedures for photometry and spectroscopy are covered. A research project utilizing the NOC Observatory is required.
3.00 Credits
The origin of matter, energy, and forces in the early universe. Characteristics of various types of galaxies. The largescale structure of the universe. General relativity and concepts of curved space are presented. Prerequisite: ASTR 1514 or ASTR 1503 or permission.
3.00 Credits
A ground school course covering Federal Aviation Regulations, theory of flight, power plant operation, service of aircraft, principles of navigation and meteorology. Fulfills the ground school training needed for a Private Pilot Certificate. (Meets general education Physical Science requirement.)
3.00 Credits
Meets the flying requirements for a Private Pilot Certificate. Includes all maneuvers and cross-country flying required by the Federal Aviation Administration for the issuance of a Private Pilot Certificate. Requires a minimum of 20 flight hours with an instructor and 15 hours of solo flight.
3.00 Credits
This course provides the student with practice in OSHA requirements for personal protective equipment, safety showers, eye wash stations, fire fighting equipment and procedures, and safe behavior in the laboratory. Use of MSDS sheets, proper NFPA labeling, and specific safety protocols for laboratory equipment and chemicals are included. In addition, the student will receive experience in documentation of laboratory results, proper maintenance of a laboratory notebook, writing and following laboratory protocols, completion and use of a chain of custody, and maintenance of chemical inventory logs. Student is also introduced to federal regulations and regulatory agencies. Lecture 3 Hours. No Laboratory.
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