Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Special topics examined through independent research.
3.00 Credits
Built on foundation of principles of human growth and development, provides overview of humans as occupational beings. Introduce concepts of doing, being, becoming. Introduction to occupational science and review of occupational performance across developmental trajectory from birth to death. Includes categorical aspects of productive, pleasurable, and restorative occupations at individual and group levels. Corequisite: HOCS 303.
2.00 Credits
In-depth instruction in use of multi-media and general technology as teaching-learning and personal management tools for occupational roles across the lifespan. Introduction to human factors and ethical ramifications related to use. Includes software applications, database and search engine use, and judging validity of information attained. Corequisite: HOCS 301.
3.00 Credits
Analysis of human performance from individual (performance skills), contextual perspective, (culture, spirituality, physical, social, personal, temporal, and virtual aspects), and activity demands. Introduction of occupation as means vs. occupation as ends, and meaning of objects. Pre-requisite: HOCS 301, HOCS 303, HOCS 323, HOCS 325, HOCS 401; Co-requisite: HOCS 403, HOCS 405.
3.00 Credits
Overview of occupational participation and barriers at individual, community, and societal levels nationally and internationally. Explores concepts of occupational deprivation, imbalance, adaptation, and occupational justice. Includes discussion of U.S. public policy related to equalizing rights of people who are occupationally disadvantaged and effect on occupational functioning. Includes opportunities for service learning. Pre-requisite: HOCS 301, HOCS 303; Co-requisite: HOCS 325, HOCS 401.
2.00 Credits
Historical overview of international and national trends in occupation used as a therapeutic tool including Ancient Greece, Biblical era, Jesuit roots, 18th and 19th centuries, up to and including current events. Includes intrapersonal (e.g. healing) and interpersonal (e.g. formation of communities) effects. Formation of valuing social consciousness embedded throughout course. Pre-requisite: HOCS 301, HOCS 303; Co-requisite: HOCS 323, HOCS 401.
3.00 Credits
Course focus is on development of intrapersonal skills to lay the foundation for interpersonal communication skill development. Includes direct application of principles related to group process and group dynamics. Develops individual and group-related skills needed to be an effective change agent. Pre-requisites: HOCS 301, HOCS 303. Co-requisite: HOCS 323, HOCS 325.
3.00 Credits
Overview of systematic inquiry process, introduction to qualitative research, and use of evidence-based decision making. Includes survey/needs assessment as beginning research method. Instruction in creative design process. Includes ethical ramifications of research. Pre-requisite: HOCS 301, HOCS 303, HOCS 401, HOCS 323, HOCS 325; Co-requisite: HOCS 321, HOCS 405.
2.00 Credits
Through community based projects, service learning, discussion, and personal reflection, students will continue to build an understanding of role of culture and occupational patterns in the construction of life meaning. In-depth study of occupational justice in local community and relationship to global communities. May serve as a preparatory course for those students participating in an international service learning experience. Pre-requisite: HOCS 301, HOCS 303, HOCS 323, HOCS 325, HOCS 401; Co-requisite: HOCS 321, HOCS 403.
3.00 Credits
Issues examined are: workplace laws, recruiting, hiring, setting wages, evaluating employees, benefits, discipline, labor relations, and the international concerns. Because it also fulfills the Cultural Diversity Elective requirement, it addresses stereotyping, discrimination and prejudices as they relate to work issues.
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