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1.00 Credits
Focus on periods, cultures and major ethical, social and political issues in the history of the photographic medium. Subject varies from year to year. Instructor: Leighten
1.00 Credits
Subjects, areas, or themes that embrace a range of disciplines or art historical areas. Consent of instructor required. Instructor: Staff
1.00 Credits
Japanese visual culture from the end of the sixteenth century to the contemporary period encompassing the country's unification under Tokugawa rule and later emergence on the world stage through painting, sculpture, architecture, ceramics, decorative arts, photography, and print media. The relationship between artistic production and Japanese sociopolitical development seen through the critical issues of religion, region, gender, class, and nationalism. Ethical questions surrounding the establishment of the Japanese colonial empire in Asia, the Pacific War, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the internment of Japanese-Americans in the United States, and the American Occupation of Japan. Instructor: Weisenfeld
1.00 Credits
Issues in Japanese print culture from the seventeenth to the twentieth century. An introduction to the rich and diverse Japanese printmaking tradition; a forum for the critical evaluation of related theoretical issues. The relationship between prints and economics, politics, technology, literature, religion, and philosophy; concerns related to gender, representation, aesthetics practice, and patronage. Instructor: Weisenfeld
1.00 Credits
A survey of major architectural traditions of Japan. Sites ranging from prehistoric tombs and dwellings to contemporary design work of architects such as Isozaki Arata and Ando Tadao. Focus on the development of various architectural typologies: Buddhist temples, Shinto shrines, tea ceremony structures, garden design, imperial and shogunal palaces, fortified castles, modern institutional structures, and private residences. Japanese architectural practices compared with other Asian and Euro-American building traditions. Aesthetic, structural, historical, social, and religious issues considered. Instructor: Weisenfeld
1.00 Credits
The evolution of the impressionist movement and postimpressionist reactions of the 1880s. Particular attention to the work of Manet, Degas, Monet, Renoir, and Pissarro. Instructor: Antliff
1.00 Credits
Historical and contemporary engagement of visual culture-painting, sculpture, architecture, graphic arts, film, photography-with the political sphere in Russia from the early nineteenth century to the present. Interactions between artists, art critics, censors, government authorities, and the public indicating how visual culture both responded to demands from the political sphere and shaped the political discourse of the day. Instructor: Kachurin
1.00 Credits
Same as Russian 182, but open only to students in the FOCUS program. Instructor: Kachurin
1.00 Credits
The history of European and American architecture from the eighteenth-century Neo-Classicism through Gothic Revival, Art Nouveau, and Arts and Crafts to the early twentieth century Bauhaus. Labrouste, Richardson, early Wright, and LeCorbusier among the architects considered. Not open to students who have taken ARTHIST 189. Instructor: Wharton
1.00 Credits
The history of European and American architecture from the eighteenth-century Neo-Classicism through Gothic Revival, Art Nouveau, and Arts and Crafts to the early twentieth century Bauhaus. Labrouste, Richardson, early Wright, and LeCorbusier among the architects considered. Not open to students who have taken ARTHIST 189. Instructor: Wharton
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