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2.00 Credits
This course will focus on social-scientific research on the U.S. Supreme Court. Primary emphasis will be placed on two issues. First it will analyze the various factors that enter into explanations of Supreme Court decision-making. The class will also assess the implications of Supreme Court decisions for politics and policy. Instructor: Knight
2.00 Credits
This course will survey an emerging field often labled as "behavioral law and economics" that aims to both challenge as well as supplement conventional analysis. The course will discuss some of the new major contributions of social sciences to legal anaylsis in areas such as criminal law, property, contracts, procedure and torts. Instructor: Guttel. 2 credits
2.00 Credits
The course aims, together with providing a broader understanding of the fundamental principles of liability, to show the interaction between legal doctrine, and the theories behind it. Topics included will be the choice between liability regimes, the causation puzzle, the duty to rescue, incentives to sue or settle, and the rules concerning damages. Instructor: Christie
1.00 Credits
This one credit seminar in advanced legal research will introduce students to specific sources and strategies for researching a variety of business law topics, including corporations, securities, and commercial bankruptcy and reorganization. Instructor: Scott
2.00 Credits
This class examines exchanges and transactions that are traditionally taboo, and sometimes illegal. What constitutes a taboo trade is culturally dependant, change over time and across cultures. Typical taboo trades in modern western societies include organs, blood, babies, sexual relations, votes for money, and a wide range of other issues. In other cultures and other times however, humans were sold as a matter of course, whereas land was considered inalienable. Instructor: Krawiec
1.00 Credits
This course is a seminar designed to address issues arising from an ever growing part of corporate practice in the post-Enron world - the corporate ethics office. As we have learned from the events in the financial industries over the past month, despite the emphasis placed on corporate ethics and compliance by the Federal Sentencing Guidelines (FSGO), the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the New York Stock Exchange listing requirements, much works is left to be done. Instructor: Merrell. 1 credit
2.00 Credits
This course will focus on a lawyer's role in the decision making process of the United States Supreme Court. That Court itself plays a unique roll in our legal system to identify and resolve important disputed, and recurring issues of federal law. The role of counsel in that Court is markedly different in many respects than it is in other appellate courts. Ayer
3.00 Credits
Prepares students for transactional law practice, with emphasis on the "practical" skills required by the M&A lawyer at each stage of the deal-making process. Co-requisite or pre-requisite: Law 210. Instructor: Hynes
2.00 Credits
This perspective course serves as an anchor for the E-LLM program. In addition to giving students a theoretical framework through which to understand the relationship of entrepreneurship and law, the course will feature regular opportunities to learn directly from entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial lawyers. Instructor: Brown, Frey
1.00 Credits
The class will examine why the "pursuit of happiness," a phrase written by a lawyer, has proved futile for many members of the legal profession and those aspiring to its ranks. This class will present the research to date on lawyers and happiness. We will examine the scientific data and academic literature on lawyer maladies, while examining holes in the collective wisdom and why the majority of lawyers are quite content. Instructor: Bowling 1 credit
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