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1.00 Credits
One role of mediation has been to resolve conflicts arising out of disasters. This course will examine mediation efforts in the 9/11, Virginia Tech, Rhode Island nightclub, and Katrina home insurance crises. The instructors have been personally involved as mediators in each of these disasters and will discuss the publicly available readings and data as well as the details of their roles as mediators. There will be a required paper based on approved topics. Instructor: Feinberg, McGovern
2.00 Credits
The class meetings will be in connection with presently scheduled speakers (well-established corporate academics) who will visit the campus under the sponsorship of the Global Capital Market Center. Two weeks before the visit the students will be assigned readings related to the topic that will be the subject of the forthcoming speaker's presentation. The readings will include the paper of the presenter plus one or two other selected readings. Two days before the speaker's presentation students will submit a discussion paper comment/critique of the speaker's paper. These comments will be provided to the speaker in advance of his/her presentation. The comments so provided will also be the basis, along with classroom participation, for assessing the individual student's performance. Topics covered throughout the year most likely will include Regulatory Compliance, Odious Debt, Compensation and Pricing in the Mutual Fund Area, the Designated Underwriter Phenomenon, the Stickiness of Boilerplate Contract Terms, and Corporate Crime. Instructors: Cox and/or Gulati
2.00 Credits
This seminar will examine constitutional decision making from two perspectives: how does one make a constitutional decision as a moral actor and how ought one to explain the decision. We will begin by reading a book by James Boyd White, Living Speech, and then read a series of constitutional law decisions, some familiar and some not, in the light of our questions. Instructor: Powell
2.00 Credits
Contract Drafting is an upper-level clinical course that teaches basic practical skills in contract drafting through written drafting exercises. The exercise will be done both in and outside of class, and extensive peer and instructor editing will be used draft in practice. The course will be a combination of lecture and in-class drafting and editing exercises, with an emphasis on the exercises. Instructor: Dimond
2.00 Credits
This seminar will examine global climate change and the range of actual and potential responses by legal institutions, in the U.S. and internationally. In so doing it will also explore fundamental questions about legal response to looming crises using climate change as the focal point of a broader discussion. Can legal institutions deal with such mega-problems? Will doing so lead to basic changes in legal institutions? Instructor: Wiener. 2 credits
2.00 Credits
American law can be viewed usefully from a variety of perspectives. In law school, we usually approach the law as a set of political norms that are articulated and enforced through formal legal institutions, or as the activities of professionals working within those institutions. Law is also a mindset, a shared ''culture'' of ideas, attitudes, memories, and myths, that shape the lives and work of legal professionals as well as the broader society. In this course we will read critically writings on the law that have shaped or reflect the present nature of that legal culture. Our primary concern will be to understand more fully the nature of the law as practice and vocation through the prism of these writings. Instructor: Powell
2.00 Credits
This advanced seminar examines the current implications of immigration policy as it impacts the civil rights of lawful and unauthorized immigrants, citizens, and noncitizens currently residing in the United States. Faculty. Hu
2.00 Credits
This course extends our understanding of administrative law by incorporating interest groups, Congress, and the Courts into the regulatory decision-making and rule-making process. The course will begin with a review of the main topics in a standard administrative law class. It will then extend these concepts by introducing approaches from positive political and interest group theory. The structure of the course will include lectures on these concepts, classic cases drawn from administrative texts (e.g. Chevron, State Farm, Vermont Yankee.) A previous administrative law course is not required, through a willingness to analyze problems from multiple disciplines is useful. Instructor: deFigueiredo
1.00 Credits
This seminar will introduce students to specific sources, and strategies for researching a variety of health and medical topics as the pertain to attorneys, including Medicare, and Medicaid regulations, medical malpractice, health insurance procedures, etc. Instructor: Brownfield. 1 credit
2.00 Credits
Emphasis on the practical process of reorganizing troubled and failing businesses; taught with a practical, hands-on approach. The professor currently operates several international businesses and will draw from actual domestic and international examples. Topics in domestic and international workouts and reorganization, in and out of a court setting, include identification of troubled companies and properties; the financial structure of these companies; identification of factors leading to the company's economic trouble; and the methods of allocating risk as the company is reorganized. Covers basic bankruptcy concepts. A basic bankruptcy course is helpful but not required. Instructor: Coyne
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