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3.00 Credits
This course will include lecture, and discussion on the law of arbitration, and exercises in practical skills on conducting arbitrations. It will also include presentation skills. Instructor: Holton
2.00 Credits
This course examines the interacting changes in American ideas of nature, self, and country in the nineteenth, and twentieth centuries with the aim of casting light on the twenty-first. The course will focus on climate change, and the need for sustainable, and health food systems. Earlier coursework in environmental, and natural resources law is helpful but not required. Instructor: Purdy
2.00 Credits
The course will examine how the law protects, or fails to protect, personal information, and to understand how the courts, Congress, states and the private sector have addressed privacy issues as new technologies, and institutional practices have emerged. Instructor: Law Faculty
2.00 - 3.00 Credits
George Wythe, the first American law professor and co-draftsman of the Declaration of Independence, envisioned a profession devoted to the political leadership of a democratic society. This seminar will consider the extent to which his vision has been fulfilled. Instructor: Carrington
2.00 Credits
This course will cover traditional areas of fraud investigation, and prosecution along with emerging statutory, and common law frauds. It will also cover practical issues of cooperation with government inquiry, and their limits, privilege, and work product, and their waiver. Instructor: Coyne
2.00 Credits
A survey of Chinese legal history that focuses on late imperial law in the Qing dynasty (1644-1911). Attention given to the legal transformations in the twentieth century. Examination of the way in which a legal system creates and reflects a society's structures and values in a mutually interactive process that constructs a particular ''legal sensibility. '' Readings drawn from Chinese codes, cases, and ''detective novels'' as well as, for comparative purposes, from European and American legal history. No previous background in Chinese history is required or expected. Instructor: Ocko
2.00 Credits
This course covers the practical skill of interviewing, counseling, and decision making in representing individual, corporate, and governmental clients. Special attention is given to applying the ethical standards, and responsibilities pertinent to the functions in civil, and criminal cases. Instructor: Herman
3.00 Credits
This course will examine the jurisdiction of both national and international courts in respect of international crimes; the principal international crimes (genocide,, aggression, war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorism and torture); the ad hoc international criminal courts for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, the International Criminal Court and the Special Criminal Court for Sierra Leone; the general principles of international criminal law, including legality, mens rea, individual criminal responsibility, command responsibility, superior orders, necessity, immunity and statutes of limitations; and the extradition of offenders to national courts and the surrender of offenders to international courts. Pre-Requisite: Public International Law (LAW 275) Instructor: Morris
2.00 Credits
The course will address the basic questions of current comparative constitutional law discourse, review structural issues (judicial review and the structure of the political process) and then concentrate on case-studies of specific dilemmas regarding rights. At the end of the course the students are expected to submit a paper that will discuss a legal issue of their choice, using comparative insights. Instructor: Barak-Erez
2.00 Credits
This course focuses on the intertwined relationships between social activism and court cases in challenging the law¿s role in the creation and maintenance of racial inequality in America. Faculty. Higginbotham 2 credits.
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