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3.00 Credits
An overview of the legal framework for patents, including statutory requirements for patentability, disclosure requirements, infringement analysis, special problems of collaborative and competitive research, international issues, and the role of patent counsel in litigation. Prerequisite: Law 270. Instructor: Rai
3.00 Credits
The course aims to introduce students to a number of major themes legal theory, focusing particularly on the history of American legal thought and the way in which that history affected court decisions, ideas of institutional competence, conceptions of the role of the state, attitudes towards economic regulation and the implicit messages of legal education studies. The general focus of the class is legal theory in action -- the way that theoretical ideas have changed our understanding of law, economy, legal education and the role of lawyers. Instructor: Boyle
3.00 Credits
A general survey of the substantive law of products liability including tort law with an emphasis on strict liability in tort, contract law with an emphasis on warranty, and legislation and administrative law. Instructor: McGovern
3.00 Credits
Survey of international intellectual property law as reconfigured by the new universal standards of protection embodied in the TRIPS agreement, which is a component of the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization of 1994. Instructor: Reichman
3.00 Credits
Focus on the real estate entrepreneur who desires to take advantage of inherent inefficiencies in his or her local real estate market for profit opportunities. Course provides the student with the analytical tools needed to evaluate real estate projects effectively; cases and outside speakers provide numerous examples. Topics include the operational framework, market environment, real estate investment analysis, legal environment, and tax environment. Review of various types of real estate<197>residential, office, retail, and land<197>from an investment and development standpoint. Course is crosslisted Finance 459/Law 378. Instructor: Widmark
2.00 Credits
This course is designed to introduce the legal and business issues that arise in connection with the acquisition, financing, development and leasing of a typical commercial real estate project. Instructor: Adams
3.00 Credits
The goal of this course is to teach law students to become sophisticated consumers and critics of social science evidence. Instructor: Vidmar
3.00 Credits
This course focuses on the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment. It covers issues of religious establishment, such as school prayer, government-sponsored religious displays, and public financial aid to religious institutions, as well as issues of the free exercise of religion, such as religious exemptions from military service and the protection of unpopular religious practices. Throughout the course, an effort will be made to consider the relationship between nonestablishment and free exercise and the extent to which these concepts represent two faces of a more general principle of religious liberty. Although history is inescapable in this area, the focus of the course is on the development of current doctrine governing the interaction of church and state. Faculty: Young
2.00 Credits
This course is designed to familiarize law students with the principles of corporate finance. The course will provide important tools for litigators in identifying, preparing, and cross-examining financial expert witnesses. The principles covered are essential for lawyers intending to do estate or tax planning, litigate divorces, or write the bylaws and compensation agreements for partnerships or closed corporations. Instructor: M. Bradley
2.00 Credits
This course examines legal responses to minors who break the law. It examines the development of the American juvenile court, jurisdictional issues affecting minors, the application of traditional criminal law rules and doctrines to offenses by minors, the law that governs investigatory encounters and pretrial procedures in the juvenile court practice. 2 credits. Instructor: Birckhead.
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