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1.00 Credits
Lecture and dance laboratory exploring three West African traditional dance forms and their relationship to religious and social life in Africa and the Diaspora. Continuity and transformation of physical texts as cultural heritage, examined historically and aesthetically. Guest lecturers, videos, research project. Two lab sections, one for students with prior training in African Dance, and one for students with no experience. Instructor: Vinesett
1.00 Credits
Documentary writing course focusing on race and storytelling in the South, using fiction, autobiography, and traditional history books. Producing narratives using documentary research, interviews, and personal memories. Focus on twentieth-century racial politics. Instructor: Tyson
1.00 Credits
The impact of colonial expansion on European economic development, political culture, and popular identity from the "age of discovery" through the present. Particular attention to the ethical implications of colonialism's influence on Western "civilization." Instructor: Thorne
1.00 Credits
Civilizations known from archaeological records to the early modern era. Topics include African ecologies and ecological adaptations; Egyptian civilization; dynamics of agrarian and pastoral communities; state formation; long distance trade; Islam; contacts with Europeans. Methodologies and sources for reconstructing Africa's past. Instructor: Ewald
1.00 Credits
Presents the long-term historical dynamics behind three important situations in contemporary Africa. Recent examples include ethnic warfare in Darfur; oil exploitation and environmental degradation in the Niger Delta; misgovernment in Zimbabwe. Topics might change from year to year. The courses aims at helping students become intelligent commentators on contemporary Africa. Instructor: Ewald
1.00 Credits
African and non-African feature films as introduction to themes in the history of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Africa, including precolonial kingdoms; Islamic militancy; European colonialism; independent African states and societies. Analysis of film as historical source and the creation of images of Africa. Not open to students who have taken this course as History 104
1.00 Credits
Focuses on the historical impact on Africa of international humanitarian movements. Includes anti-slavery movement, missionary Christianity, Congo Reform Association, environmentalism, development, disaster aid, fight against HIV/AIDS. Instructor: Hall
1.00 Credits
Overview of South African history from the mining revolution of the 1860s and 70s through the official demise of apartheid in 1994, along with a brief consideration of the challenges facing democratic South Africa. Close attention to the rise and fall of apartheid. Instructor: Shapiro
1.00 Credits
The social, legal and cultural construction of racial and ethnic hierarchies in a comparative international context with the United States and the United Kingdom of central analytical concern. Racial formation and racial segregation in specific historical and national contexts including the normative case of the Anglo-Saxon core in the United States and how its dominance has led to patterns of ethnic antagonism and discrimination; the historical context of racial stereotypes and their representation in various mediums. Social justice movements and public policies designed to challenge racial and ethnic domination including controversial topics such as "positive discrimination" (United Kingdom) and Affirmative Action (United States/South Africa). May include comparative case studies from India, South Africa, Brazil, and continental Europe. Instructor: Staff
1.00 Credits
Explores the politics, history and culture of societies and nation-states across the continent while also critiquing Euroamerican discourses, images, and theories about Africa and Africans. Readings consist of not only anthropological texts- some classic, and some experimental and off-beat- but also media accounts, novels and historical texts. Instructor: Piot
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