Course Criteria
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0.00 Credits
Instruction in drill and ceremonies, wearing the uniform, giving commands, and other leadership activities. Mandatory for all Air Force ROTC cadets. Must be repeated each semester. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. Instructor: Staff
0.50 Credits
A survey course designed to examine the general elements and employment of air and space power, from an institutional doctrinal and historical perspective. From the first balloons and dirigibles to the space-age global positioning systems of the Persian Gulf War. Historical examples to demonstrate the evolution of what has become today's USAF air and space power. Air Force Core Values and communications skills. Leadership Laboratory mandatory for AFROTC cadets. Instructor: Staff
0.50 Credits
Continuation of Aerospace Studies 51. Leadership Laboratory mandatory for AFROTC cadets. Instructor: Staff
1.00 Credits
Topics differ by section. Instructor: Staff
1.00 Credits
Study of crucial legal and political moments in the struggle for equal civil rights of minorities, beginning with the laws of Chinese Exclusion, the struggle to define who was "White," the Asian Immigration Exclusion Acts, the relationships of Asians and African Americans and the struggle for equal schooling in the American South, the Japanese Concentration camps, the Redress and Reparations Civil Rights struggle, and the involvement of Asians Americans in the African American-led Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, including working with Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, and Asian Americans in the anti-sweatshop unionization movement. Instructor: Mazumdar
1.00 Credits
Lecture and dance laboratory exploring three West African traditional dance forms and their relationship to religious and social life in Africa and the Diaspora. Continuity and transformation of physical texts as cultural heritage, examined historically and aesthetically. Guest lecturers, videos, research project. Two lab sections, one for students with prior training in African Dance, and one for students with no experience. Instructor: Vinesett
1.00 Credits
Introduction to Shamanism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Christianity, and new religions in Korea from ancient times to the present. Examination of religious traditions in close relationships with social, economic, political, and cultural environments in Korean society. Examination of religious tensions, philosophical arguments, and ethical issues that indigenous and foreign religions in Korea have engaged throughout history to maximize their influence in Korean society. Instructor: Kim
1.00 Credits
Special features of the doctrine and practice of Buddhism in Tibet, China, Korea, and Japan, with an account of their origins in the Indian subcontinent. Instructor: Staff
1.00 Credits
An exploration of the ways in which different societies in Asia and Africa encourage particular constructions of self, sexuality, and purposeful life in literature and film. Instructor: Staff
1.00 Credits
Examination of bilingualism at the individual, interpersonal, and social levels from psycholinguistic, socio-linguistic, anthropological, and educational perspectives. Issues to include the relation between language and cognition, language development, language identity, socio-linguistic practices in multicultural settings, language maintenance, and language policy and planning. Instructor: Kim
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