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3.00 Credits
Processes of memorialization of various dimensions of racial pasts, via statuaries, naming of parks and buildings, films (both documentary and fiction), novels, historical works. In depth treatment of political and economic basis for determining what events or persons are remembered and how they are remembered. Interdisciplinary course encompassing literary studies, memory studies, history, political science, anthropology, and economics. Instructor: Darity
3.00 Credits
Impact of poverty and socioeconomic inequality on the health of individuals and populations. Attention given to both United States and non-United States populations. Topics include the conceptualization and measurement of poverty and socioeconomic inequality; socioeconomic gradients in health; globalization and health; socioeconomic deprivation across the life-course and health in adulthood; and public policy responses in the United States and elsewhere to growing health inequities in the age of globalization. Prerequisite: An introductory course in statistics. Seniors and graduate students only. Instructor: James
3.00 Credits
History and schools of Islamic jurisprudence; Islamic legal reasoning; approaches to ethics and procedural justice, the ethical regulation of commerce, including a detailed study of pertinent issues in Islamic law. Also taught as Law 568. Instructor: Moosa
3.00 Credits
Survey and discussion of theoretical, research, and clinical issues in minority mental health with special emphasis on African-Americans. Prerequisite: Psychology 100(RE)-formerly 119A for undergraduates and consent of instructor. Instructor: Staff
3.00 Credits
The art and culture that was produced by and about African Americans (largely in the western metropoles) during the period roughly between the two world wars. Chronological overview, a focus on individual figures, and study of the criticism and creative writings of this period. Other topics include black migrations to urban centers, performance-as-a-visual-paradigm, racial and cultural primitivism, and an alternative, African American stream of early twentieth century visual modernism. Not open to students who have previously taken this course as Visual Studies 220S Instructor: Powell
3.00 Credits
Specific problems of iconography, style, connoisseurship, or a particular art tradition in African art. Subject varies from year to year. Consent of instructor required. Instructor: Powell
3.00 Credits
A broad overview of the salience of race in the American political fabric and how it structures racial attitudes on a number of political and policy dimensions. Instructor: McClain
3.00 Credits
The paradox of racial inequality in societies that articulate principles of equality, democratic freedom, and justice for all. Instructor: Baker
3.00 Credits
Instructor: Staff
3.00 Credits
Interdisciplinary analyses of the problematics of teaching about social hierarchies, especially those of race, class, and gender. Curricular content and its interaction with the social constructions of students and teachers. Instructor: Lubiano
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