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  • 3.00 Credits

    An introduction to the underlying concepts of elastic stability and buckling, development of differential equation and energy approaches, buckling of common engineering components including link models, struts, frames, plates, and shells. Consideration will also be given to inelastic behavior, postbuckling, and design implications. Prerequisite: Civil Engineering 131L or consent of instructor. Instructor: Virgin
  • 3.00 Credits

    Investigation of the finite element method as a numerical technique for solving linear ordinary and partial differential equations, using rod and beam theory, heat conduction, elastostatics and dynamics, and advective/diffusive transport as sample systems. Emphasis placed on formulation and programming of finite element models, along with critical evaluation of results. Topics include: Galerkin and weighted residual approaches, virtual work principles, discretization, element design and evaluation, mixed formulations, and transient analysis. Prerequisites: a working knowledge of ordinary and partial differential equations, numerical methods, and programming in FORTRAN or MATLAB. Instructor: Dolbow and Laursen
  • 3.00 Credits

    Formulation and solution of nonlinear initial/boundary value problems using the finite element method. Systems include nonlinear heat conduction/diffusion, geometrically nonlinear solid and structural mechanics applications, and materially nonlinear systems (for example, elastoplasticity). Emphasis on development of variational principles for nonlinear problems, finite element discretization, and equation-solving strategies for discrete nonlinear equation systems. Topics include: Newton-Raphson techniques, quasi-Newton iteration schemes, solution of nonlinear transient problems, and treatment of constraints in a nonlinear framework. An independent project, proposed by the student, is required. Prerequisite: CE/ME 254 or consent of instructor. Instructor: Laursen
  • 3.00 Credits

    Presents an overview of advanced nomenical methods for the treatment of engineering problems such as brittle and ductile failure and solid-liquid phase transformations in pure substances. Analytical methods for arbitrary discontinuities and interfaces are reviewed, with particular attention to the derivation of jump conditions. Partition of unity and level set methods. Prerequisites: CE 254, CE 255, or instructor consent. Instructor: Dolbow
  • 3.00 Credits

    Transport of fluids, heat, and contaminants through unsaturated porous media. Understanding the physical laws and mathematical modeling of relevant processes. Field and laboratory measurements of moisture content and matric potential. Prerequisites: Civil Engineering 122L and Mathematics 108, or consent of instructor. Instructor: Kabala
  • 3.00 Credits

    Reviews the method of separation of variables, surveys integral transforms, and illustrates their application to solving initial boundary value problems. Three parts include: mathematical and hydrologic fundamentals, integral transforms and their philosophy, and detailed derivation via integral transforms of some of the most commonly used models in subsurface hydrology and environmental engineering. Discussion and use of parameter estimation techniques associated with the considered models. Prerequisites: Mathematics 108 and either Civil Engineering 122L or 123L, or consent of instructor. Instructor: Kabala
  • 3.00 Credits

    Synthesis and analysis of multivariable linear dynamic feedback compensators. Standard problem formulation. Performance norms. Full state feedback and linear quadratic Gaussian synthesis. Lyapunov and Riccati equations. Passivity, positivity, and self-dual realizations. Nominal performance and robust stability. Applications to vibration control, noise suppression, tracking, and guidance. Prerequisite: a course in linear systems and classical control, or consent of instructor. Instructor: Bushnell, Clark, or Gavin
  • 3.00 Credits

    Surveys of a selection of topics related to the interaction between fluid flow (through channels or the porous media) and physical, chemical, and biochemical transformations encountered in environmental engineering. Numerous diverse phenomena, including solute transport in the vicinity of chemically reacting surfaces, reverse osmosis, sedimentation, centrifugation, ultrafiltration, rheology, microorganism population dynamics, and others will be presented in a unifying mathematical framework. Prerequisites: Civil Engineering 122L and Mathematics 108, or consent of instructor. Instructor: Kabala
  • 1.00 - 4.00 Credits

    Opportunity for study of advanced subjects relating to programs within the civil and environmental engineering department tailored to fit the requirements of individuals or small groups. Instructor: Staff
  • 3.00 Credits

    Ultraviolet light based processes as they relate to treatment of contaminants in water and air. Concepts in photochemistry and photobiology, fluence determination, UV disinfection, photodegradation processes for chemical containments, advanced oxidation processes, mathematical modeling and design of UV systems. Includes laboratory exercises. Prerequisites: CE 241 or consent or instructor. Instructor: Staff
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