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1.00 Credits
The emergence, nature, and consequences of racial segregation (also known as Jim Crow) in the South and nation; how Jim Crow compares to the system of apartheid in South Africa; perspectives on black life and race relations in southern communities; and major challenges to Jim Crow by African American religious, social, and civil rights organizations and their allies. Instructor: Gavins
1.00 Credits
Open to seniors majoring in African and African American Studies and to others with consent of instructor. Instructors: Staff
1.00 Credits
Topics vary from semester to semester. Instructor: Staff
1.00 Credits
Laboratory version of African and African American Studies 199. Topics vary semester to semester. One course. Topics course. Instructor: Staff
1.00 Credits
Seminar version of African and African American Studies 199. Topics vary from semester to semester. Instructor: Staff
3.00 Credits
Concentration on a theoretical problem or set of issues germane to the study of Asian and Middle Eastern cultures
3.00 Credits
body of scholarship examined addresses the nature and transformation of social relations in Great Britain in the wake of the major watersheds of the modern period, including the world's first industrial revolution, imperial expansion, political economy and democratization, world wars, the rise and fall of the welfare state, decolonization, Commonwealth immigration, and admission into the European Union. Examines impact of theoretical influences on the academy ranging from Marxism through the Cold War, feminism and anti-racism, and post structuralism to post colonialism. Instructor: Thorne
3.00 Credits
Approaches to studying and theorizing of African diasporal arts and black subjectivity, with a special emphasis on art historiography, iconology, and criticism, and a particular focus on slavery, emancipation, freedom, and cultural nationalism, as pertaining to peoples of African descent and as manifested in such visual forms as paintings, sculptures, graphics, and media arts from the early modern period to the present, as well as the political edicts, philosophical tracts, autobiographies, and theoretical writings of individuals similarly preoccupied with these ideas. Consent of instructor required. Instructor: Powell
3.00 Credits
Encounters between African societies and global forces, including colonialism, capitalism, development initiatives. Instructor: Holsey
3.00 Credits
This course will examine educational policies in a comparative, cross-national fashion with a focus on the implications for the construction of social hierarachy and inequality. Instructor: Darity
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