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4.00 Credits
This course is off ered as an introducti on to customizing Computer Assisted Draft ing (CAD), uti lizing AutoCAD soft ware. The course will cover customizing of menus, slides, and scripts. The use of the AutoLISP programming language as a customizing tool will be introduced. The importi ng and exporti ng of drawing informati on through digiti zing, raster image fi les and database connecti vity will be covered. This is a four credit hour course. Prerequisites / Co-requisites: EG 224A Advanced Computer Assisted Draft ing (CAD) or permission from the instructor
3.00 Credits
Cooperati ve Work Experience is designed to off er an internship within the industry setti ng for computer assisted draft ing (CAD). Students will work under the supervision of an approved professional/specialist in the CAD fi eld. A member of the NMJC faculty will act as coordinator between the student and the employer, and will monitor the internship. A minimum of 45 work (clock) hours on the jobsite is required for successful completi on of the course for each college credit hour during the semester or work period. Prerequisites / Co-requisites: EG 224A and/or permission of the Coordinator and the employer
3.00 Credits
Each student will create a portf olio of working drawings and related documents to include presentati on drawings, material take-off s, and a cost esti mate. The portf olio will be individualized to the student's degree opti on and contract with the instructor using draft ing, word processing, spreadsheet, and presentati on soft ware. Job search acti viti es will be required. The student will also prepare to take the nati onally recognized American Design Draft ing Associati on certi fi cati on test. Completed coursework will serve as a capstone assessment tool for the program. This is a three credit hour course. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor
3.00 Credits
The course content trains students to recognize and stabilize pati ents with medical and trauma emergencies. Other subjects include legal issues, hazardous materials, and radio communicati ons. This is the USDOT EMT-B course designed to train and certi fy individuals as emergency medical technicians and to prepare the students for the state licensure examinati on. The course syllabus meets the objecti ves of NMJC course, EM 115, Emergency Medical Technician Training-Basic. Prerequisite: Senior status required.
3.00 Credits
This course is a conti nuati on of EM 037. Prerequisite: Successful completi on of EM 037 Emergency Medical Technician Training Basic I.
3.00 Credits
This course is designed specifi cally for ambulance/rescue personnel who have access to specialized vehicles equipped with specialized items of equipment. The course content trains ambulance/rescue att endants to recognize and stabilize pati ents with life threatening emergencies at the scene and in transport, uti lizing the specialized vehicle and specialized items of equipment. Prerequisite for paramedic training. This is a fi ve credit hour course.
4.00 Credits
Assessment of trauma and medical pati ents, airway management, shock, respiratory emergencies, fl uid & electrolytes, IV & inhalati on therapy, OB emergencies, subcutaneous medicati on administrati on, cardiovascular emergencies, diabetes management, and medico legal issues. This class includes initi ati on of IV therapy on fellow student while under direct supervision. This is a four credit hour course. Prerequisite: EMT-B certi fi cati on, sati sfactory completi on of pre-test and consent of instructor and Director of Allied Health
3.00 Credits
This course focuses on grammar, sentence structure, paragraph types, organizati on, conciseness, and technical clarity. Instructi on stresses eff ecti ve technical writi ng in the work place. This class does not meet the requirements of the associate of arts or the associate of science degrees. This is a three credit hour course.
3.00 Credits
This course is designed to introduce the student to various types of technical and report writi ng through intensive writi ng acti viti es. This is a three credit hour course. Prerequisite: EN 113
3.00 Credits
This course off ers a study of the development of Briti sh literature from Beowulf through the eighteenth century. It is designed to off er a broad cultural awareness of literature in the English language. Emphasis is placed on enriching the students' criti cal appreciati on of literature. Readings, reports, and writi ngs are required. This is a three credit hour course. Prerequisite: 123
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