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3.00 Credits
A critical analysis of the phenomena governing the flow of a compressible fluid; introduction to flow in two and three dimensions; Prandil-Meyer expansions; small perturbations in subsonic and supersonic flows; method of characteristics. Prerequisite: Mech Eng or Aero Eng 331. (Co-listed with Aero Eng 431)
3.00 Credits
General theory of stress analysis of shells based on topics in differential geometry and general elasticity theory. Theory is applicable to studies of the elastic behavior of flat plates and shells, buckling and post-duckling behavior of shells, and provides a basis for all shell theories which account for anisotropy, plasticity, creep, thermal strains, internal reinforcements, and transverse shearing deformations. Prerequisite: Math 325.
3.00 Credits
Navier-Stokes equations; statistical description and mean-flow equations; behavior of free shear and wall bounded flows; the energy cascade; turbulence spectra and Kolmogorov hypothesis; measurement techniques: PIV, hot-wires, LDV; turbulence modeling for transport processes and closure schemes for RANS equations; evaluation of model constants, introduction to LES, DNS and hybrid-RANS. Prerequisite: Mech Eng 331 or Aero Eng 331 or Mech Eng 339 or Aero Eng 339 or equivalent. (Co-listed with Aero Eng 435)
3.00 Credits
Mathematical theories of equilibrium cracks and brittle fracture, mathematical analysis of elastic-plastic fracture mechanics, COD, R-curve and J-integral analysis. Prerequisite: Aero Eng 336 or Mech Eng 336.
3.00 Credits
Features of high temperature gas flows including the development of the necessary background from kinetic theory, statistical mechanics, chemical thermodynamics and chemical kinetics. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium gas properties and gas flows are included. Prerequisite: Mech Eng or Aero Eng 331. (Co-listed with Aero Eng 437)
3.00 Credits
An analytical study of power producing systems with emphasis on new techniques and energy sources. All basic methods of energy conversion are covered from detailed physical descriptions to mathematical analysis. Included are advanced heat engines, nuclear power reactors, thermoelectric engines, magnetohydrodynamic devices, solar energy, fuel cells, and recent developments. Prerequisite: Mech Eng (or Aero Eng) 319, or Mech Eng (or Aero Eng) 325
3.00 Credits
Introduction to Markov Decision Processes and Dynamic Programming. Application to Inventory Control and other optimization and control topics. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in background of probability or statistics. (Co-listed with Comp Eng 457, Aero Eng 457, Eng Mgt 457 and Comp Sci 457)
3.00 Credits
Advanced treatment of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) part programming and machine tool metrology. Topics include mathematical modeling and characterization of machine tools and Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs); Measurement and analysis of dimensional accuracy, surface finish, precision, and uncertainty; Machine tool error modeling and compensation; Virtual Numerical Control (VNC) Machine Tool modeling, programming, simulation and process verification/optimization. Projects include advanced CNC programming and simulation. Prerequisite: Mech Eng 353.
3.00 Credits
This course covers control-oriented modeling, simulation, and control of manufacturing processes. Topics include digital control, control system hardware, servomechanisms, interpolation, coordinated motion control, regenerative chatter, and control of machining and non-traditional processes. Control algorithms are implemented on a machining center. Prerequisites: Mech Eng 355, Mech Eng 381.
3.00 Credits
Fundamental studies in laser aided manufacturing and materials processing including laser principles and optics, physics of laser-materials interaction, interface responses for rapid solidification, theories on non-equilibrium synthesis, modeling of transport phenomena, optical sensing techniques, current topics and considerations for lasers in manufacturing. Prerequisite: Mech Eng 325.
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