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3.00 Credits
A continuing course strengthening and reinforcing grammar with the purpose of increasing vocabulary and fluency through composition, conversation, and literature. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 213 or test. Three Hours, Spring, Odd Years
3.00 Credits
A study of the history, civilizations, cultures, and customs of the Hispanic world with regard to their impact on the present. The class follows the lecture format with opportunities for discussion, writing, and practice. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 223. Three Hours, Fall, Odd Years
3.00 Credits
A study of the spoken and written practices and customs of Spanish in business situations and community outreach. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 223 and SPAN 313. Three Hours, Spring, Even Years
3.00 Credits
The course surveys theatre as an art form and how it is created, from concept to curtain call, through the function of the playwright, actor, director, and designer. Students will be required to see several live theatre performances. Three Hours, Fall, Spring
3.00 Credits
Teaching basic skills for the beginning actor, the course explores concentration, relaxation, nonverbal communication, and improvisation techniques. Three Hours, Fall, Even Years
3.00 Credits
Provides laboratory exercises in the fundamentals of stage make-up. Three Hours, Spring, Odd Years
3.00 Credits
This course explores the techniques for character analysis through scene. Students will gain the necessary skills for building a character and creating a role for the stage by performing selected scenes. Other topics discussed include stage combat, use of language and audition techniques. Prerequisite: THEA 113. Three Hours, Spring, Odd Years
3.00 Credits
Introduces the basic principles of set design, scenery construction and lighting techniques. Part of this class will include laboratory experiences. Three Hours, Spring, Even Years
3.00 Credits
This beginning movement course introduces dance techniques and styles, including elements of ballet, jazz, period style dance, and modern dance. It emphasizes development of body awareness, flexibility, and creativity especially on body placement, alignment, and stage movement. Beginning instruction in theory and technique are included. Three Hours, Fall, Odd Years
3.00 Credits
Study of the development of drama throughout history from classical Greek to the present. Prerequisite/Co-requisite: Sophomore standing and completion or concurrent enrollment in Theatre classes. Three Hours, Fall, Odd Years
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