Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
The most important activity in leading a New Testament church and the best operative method for leading any effectively evangelistic church is a Bible-based preaching and teaching ministry. This course studies the basic principles of interpreting and applying the Bible - including a survey of the various types of resources for Bible study - and the best methods for preparing and presenting expository messages and lessons from Bible texts. Students taking this course for graduate credit must complete all graduate course requirements. Prerequisite(s): RRED 273 or consent of instructor. Three Hours, Fall, Even Years
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the discipline of sport management and its vast array of career opportunities (the sport industry represents the eleventh largest industry in the U.S.). Three Hours, Fall, Spring
3.00 Credits
Integrates coursework with planned and supervised professional experiences for a minimum of 15 hours per week. Prerequisite/ co-requisite: SMGT 113. Three Hours, Fall, Spring
3.00 Credits
An introduction into the planning processes necessary to stage a sporting event with emphases placed on creating and locating the event, welcoming spectators and participants, and developing pertinent timelines and operational objectives for the event. Prerequisite: SMGT 113. Three Hours, Spring
3.00 Credits
Since a sport organization's success is largely dependent on the degree to which in can effectively communicate with key constituents, this class addresses a variety of communicationrelated topics, including public relations, image, media relations, and community relations (to be taken after or simultaneously with SMGT 113). Three Hours, Spring
3.00 Credits
Focuses on the understanding of the concepts of management and leadership. Students will be able to describe the various skills, roles, and functions of sport managers in various sport agencies. The students will be familiar with governing authority, organizational structure, and be able to describe elements of leadership theory and practices. Prerequisite: SMGT 113. Three Hours, Spring
3.00 Credits
A basic understanding of the developments, trends, and social processes that explain sport and participation in physical activity today. Three Hours, Fall, Spring
3.00 Credits
This course focuses on the application of marketing principles in a sport-related setting. Specifically, the course will address content areas such as corporate sponsorships, ticket sales, broadcast agreements, promotional events, and direct marketing in the sport entertainment, sport participation, and sport goods sectors of the industry. Undergraduate prerequisites: SMGT 113, SMGT 263, SMGT 323, SMGT 373. SMGT 423/523, SMGT 433/533, and SMGT 463/563 for Sport Management majors; SMGT 333 and 433/533 for Physical Education majors; SMGT 223 and 323 for Religious Education/Sports Evangelism majors. Graduate prerequisites: SMGT 523, 533, and 563. Students taking this course for graduate credit must complete all graduate course requirements. Three Hours, Spring
3.00 Credits
Students will be familiar with the legal concepts in those areas that are most prone to litigation. This course specifically introduces the student to the legal system by focusing on the concepts of tort law, product liability, constitutional law, contract law, labor-antitrust law and statutory law as they relate to the sport professions. The course will consider the intellectual property rights of the individual, and emphasize liability-related issues as they impact sport administrators and teachers/coaches of physical activity and sport. Additional work will be required for those wishing to obtain graduate level credit. Three Hours, Fall, Spring
3.00 Credits
The student will develop a better understanding of the psycho-social aspects of sport participation by exploring various psychological and physiological factors that influence the athlete. Additional work will be required for those wishing to obtain graduate level credit. Three Hours, Fall, Spring
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