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3.00 Credits
This course studies the New Testament writings covering the Life of Christ and the General Epistles of the Church (Matthew through John and James through Revelation), with particular attention given to the occasion of writing in relation to the message, an examination of the date and authorship, and a discovery of significant teachings. Prerequisite(s): RBIB 123 or consent of Instructor. Three Hours, Fall, Odd Years
3.00 Credits
This course studies the New Testament writings covering the early Church and the Apostle Paul (Acts through Philemon), with particular attention given to the occasion of writing in relation to the message, an examination of the date and authorship, and a discovery of significant teachings. Prerequisite(s): RBIB 123 or consent of Instructor. Three Hours, Spring, Even Years
3.00 Credits
This course teaches the principles of biblical interpretation that help a student develop skill at finding the historical meaning of the Bible texts and applying that meaning to contemporary life. An emphasis is placed on studying the Bible from a grammatical, syntactical, theological, and literary point of view. Contemporary developments in the field of hermeneutics are also considered. Prerequisite(s): RRED 273. Three Hours, Fall, Even Years.
3.00 Credits
A theologically organized study of the Old Testament which concentrates on the historical movement and development of key concepts and unifying themes from pre-Abrahamic times through the prophets. Emphasis is upon the presentation of these ideas as the Old Testament writers recorded them. Prerequisite(s): RRED 273. Three Hours, Spring, Even Years
3.00 Credits
A theologically organized study of the New Testament which concentrates on the historical movement and development of key concepts and unifying themes from Old Testament times through the first century A.D. Emphasis is upon the presentation of these ideas as the New Testament writers recorded them. Prerequisite(s): RRED 273. Three Hours, Spring, Odd Years
2.00 Credits
In order to facilitate inter-student dialogue in the learning of Biblical Languages, this course provides two hours a week as a one-on-one study session. Those students enrolled in RBLA 214 Elementary Koine I or RBLA 224 Elementary Koine II must also enroll in this class. No prerequisites. Zero Hours, Fall and Spring
4.00 Credits
A beginning study of the grammar of the Greek New Testament, emphasizing nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and simple sentence structure. Four Hours, Fall
4.00 Credits
A continuing study of the grammar of the Greek New Testament, emphasizing nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and sentence structure. Prerequisite(s): RBLA 214. Four Hours, Spring
3.00 Credits
A study of the particulars of New Testament Greek syntax with an emphasis on microstructure in the context of selected New Testament readings. Prerequisite(s): RBLA 224. Three Hours, Fall
3.00 Credits
A study of the particulars of New Testament Greek syntax with an emphasis on macrostructure in the context of selected New Testament readings. Prerequisite(s): RBLA 313. Three Hours, Spring
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