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2.00 Credits
This laboratory is co-requisite to PHYS 103 Introduction to Physical Science. This lab may be taken for credit apart from PHYS 103 only with the written consent of the instructor and the student's advisor. Labs will meet for two hours per week for one credit hour. One Hour, Fall, Spring, Summer
3.00 Credits
A survey of selected topics in physics, including mechanics, heat, light, electricity, and nuclear physics, together with a brief overview of astronomy. This is the recommended physical science course for the general education of non-science majors, and it has the dual goals of providing information about the world around us and of developing and testing intellectual skills in conception, analysis, and logic. Laboratory work is included in this course. Prerequisite(s): MATH 113 or equivalent, or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: PHYS 101 Introduction to Physical Science Laboratory. Three Hours, Fall, Spring, Summer
2.00 Credits
This laboratory is co-requisite to PHYS 113 Introduction to Physics. This lab may be taken for credit apart from PHYS 113 only with the written consent of the instructor and the student's advisor. Labs will meet for two hours per week for one credit hour. One Hour, On Demand
3.00 Credits
Physics can be thought of as the ordering of the world around us, of the behavior and structure of matter, and of the laws that govern these processes. This course gives an overview of many topics that arise in a study of the ideas mentioned above. It covers topics such as motions, forces, energy, waves, electricity, and nuclear physics. It is suitable for students that desire a more detailed study of physics than is given in PHYS 101 and 103, but are not ready to study PHYS 211 and 213. Prerequisite(s): MATH 113 and high school trigonometry, or their equivalent. Co-requisite: PHYS 111 Introduction to Physics Laboratory. Three Hours, On Demand
4.00 Credits
This laboratory is co-requisite to PHYS 123 Geology and Earth Science. This lab may be taken for credit apart from PHYS 123 only with the written consent of the instructor and the student's advisor. Labs will meet for four hours per week for two credit hours. The laboratories may include field projects and trips. Two Hours, Summer, Even Years
3.00 Credits
A study of the physical characteristics of the earth, including its structure, movements, weather, seasons, and its relationship to other bodies in the universe. This course also includes a study of rocks and minerals, as well as the presentation of topographic maps. Co-requisite: PHYS 122 Geology and Earth Science Laboratory. Three Hours, Summer, Even Years
2.00 Credits
This laboratory is co-requisite to PHYS 213 General Physics I. This lab may be taken for credit apart from PHYS 213 only with the written consent of the instructor and the student's advisor. Labs will meet for two hours per week for one credit hour. One Hour, Fall
3.00 Credits
A calculus-based survey of physics, this course investigates kinematics, Newton's Laws, rotational motion, conservation of momentum and energy, and principles of thermodynamics. This course and PHYS 223 are suitable for science and mathematics students who need a rigorous study of physics. Prerequisite(s): MATH 164 or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: PHYS 211 General Physics I Laboratory. Three Hours, Fall
2.00 Credits
This laboratory is co-requisite to PHYS 223 General Physics II. This lab may be taken for credit apart from PHYS 223 only with the written consent of the instructor and the student's advisor. Labs will meet for two hours per week for one credit hour. One Hour, Spring
3.00 Credits
This second course in the calculus-based physics sequence covers electricity, magnetism, wave motion, acoustics, and light. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 211 and 213. Co-requisite: PHYS 221 General Physics II Laboratory. Three Hours, Spring
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